Red3yz’ Minecraft LP Ep 9: Beta 1.9 – Nether Adventure

Red3yz' Minecraft LP Ep 9: Beta 1.9 - Nether AdventureThe Nether has some crazy new stuff, and it kicked my ass!

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Filed under Red3yz : Comments (20) : Feb 17th, 2012

20 Responses to “Red3yz’ Minecraft LP Ep 9: Beta 1.9 – Nether Adventure”

  1. Nzill Says:

    Red3yz, I’d like to ask a little question about Mcedit, how do you delete, for example, your nether world, and make the world generate a new one? (Like you did to get 1.9 nether)

  2. red3yz Says:

    @roboticaust i’m making a gold farm and the magma cubes/slimes are going to be a problem as they don’t seem to take any fall damage and then just hide under the lava :s my nether also seems to have of ‘sponge’ layer at bedrock with millions of little holes for mobs to spawn in.. it truly is hell…

  3. red3yz Says:

    @roboticaust not actual sponge, just full of tiny caves. the main problem now is mobs becoming immobile and despawning, so it’s a trade between small pads they fall off quickly or big pads with more spawns. tried using some golems to bait them off, looks cool, but same problem they just freeze after a while. in either case it has to be huge :p

  4. roboticaust Says:

    @red3yz a legit sponge layer or mcedit’d accident sponge layer? Also, could make some sort of piston grinder for the bottom level ;p

  5. znex37 Says:

    yet another video? awesome :D

  6. red3yz Says:

    @Drifter448 nice, it’s alot of fun :)

  7. selulancie Says:

    Awesome video as usual:D 

  8. red3yz Says:

    @Casr138 let me know what you find!

  9. Casr138 Says:

    Im actually planning a zombie pigmen just figuring out their spawning behavior

  10. Nzill Says:

    @red3yz Chunk control, ah… Thank you! :)

  11. red3yz Says:

    @Atanar89 sweet, got one made :) with signs not with pistons.

  12. Atanar89 Says:

    sethbling made a pigmen farm, check out his channel.

  13. red3yz Says:

    @bigbadazza230 i’m using gravity for now and adding minecarts later :p

  14. roboticaust Says:

    If those “accordion” mobs are exactly like slimes, you might not want to use a sword ;p

    Also, this makes me want to create nether mob farms. Gonna be super difficult without water though :x

  15. red3yz Says:

    @Nzill you select the area you want to remove and then use the icon on the right; chunk control -> delete blocks -> job done. new stuff will generate but you may get issues like parts of structures suddenly dissapearing, so back it up.

  16. Drifter448 Says:

    Hey man, this looks epic ;D, i’ll try get 1.9 sorted for sometime today xD

  17. red3yz Says:

    @znex37 yup, next one tommorow, the factory looks very different now :)

  18. killera171 Says:

    Please upload more videos :)

  19. LostTheMap Says:

    dude, what was going on with your level bar??

  20. bigbadazza230 Says:

    hey red3yz i tryed making a zombie pig man trap but lava is too week to push them

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