Minecraft – Mindcrack UHC S15: Episode 2

Minecraft - Mindcrack UHC S15: Episode 2Minecraft survival at its finest; welcome to UHC Season 15! Season 15 has 18 participants fighting in 6 teams of 3 players. The map is randomly generated wit…

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Apr 6th, 2014

20 Responses to “Minecraft – Mindcrack UHC S15: Episode 2”

  1. Wolfie McWolfington Says:

    I feel like I’m watching a sethbling video.

  2. Ian Chui Says:

    i wanna play uhc so badly ):

  3. Wish Talent Says:

    no uhc upload today?

  4. Roy K. Says:

    Etho for sure does best when alone

  5. Leo King Says:

    I know I shouldn’t really armchair criticise, but I find it strange that a
    lot of the players tend to eat their meat when they’re one or two hunger
    bars down. They give like six to eight bars if I remember correctly –
    there’s absolutely no benefit to wasting them. They’re not healing anyway,
    that won’t change when they’re three hunger bars down.

  6. William Furt Says:

    why no mumble????????

  7. 12DeathKnight Says:

    GG Etho, better luck next time !!

  8. ✫ Robs ASMR ✫ Says:

    Seth never stops talking xD

  9. C00m7ee Says:

    let get Arkas video to have more views that Seth Arkas video
    (/watch?v=u3HLwlJG2kg) as Seth is just bossing him around

  10. martin kristiansen Says:

    i think he is seth just relly wont to win. 

  11. MrTo0ns Says:

    this why I unsubscribed Seth, he is so annoying, why does he feel the need
    to commentate about absolutely everything he is doing, and doesn’t even let
    Arkas talk,

  12. DjShinterPSN Says:

    Negative 420 !!! (smoke weeed) xD

  13. Julian Rose Says:

    To people defending Seth: everyone’s right. Seth really seems to leave
    people out of previous teams, he talks way too much, and he doesn’t suggest
    things to do, he orders everyone around. He is a leader but there’s a
    reason many leaders in history were overthrown. 

  14. Mr. Moose Says:

    Seth is annoying. He’s always like smelt iron!

  15. CreeperMilan Says:

    Beef is in the nethet and got diamonds

  16. JesperHB Says:

    Ark O’ Bling

  17. tman15tmb Says:

    Etho: Hey guys I found four gold!
    Seth: I just found some gold guys
    Etho: I just said that haha
    Seth: Oh sorry I’m to busy talking over everybody

    I realize Seth is probably playing in the moment but damn that guy is
    annoying! I feel bad for Arkas because he never gets to say anything
    without Seth speaking over him.

  18. itsBrandon Says:

    everyones talking about seth and how he never stops talking but do you
    realize that they always have to communicate in order to win the game

  19. Hotcheese Says:

    The torch spam is crazy 

  20. bighugejake Says:

    Seth doesn’t play UHC to have fun. Lots of the Mindcrackers need to take
    this a lot less seriously.

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