Etho Plays – Pixel Piracy: Episode 3

Etho Plays - Pixel Piracy: Episode 3Pixel Piracy is a side-scrolling 2d, real time strategy/sandbox/simulation game created by indie developer Vitali Kirpu and produced by Alexander Poysky. In …

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Apr 7th, 2014

20 Responses to “Etho Plays – Pixel Piracy: Episode 3”

  1. iJuju u Says:

    did anyone else think he was eating at the beginning

  2. Kai Yadav Says:

    Try making your crew go to a tavern, it might make their morale go up…
    Instead of spending money every time .

  3. Kelvin Chow Says:

    Hey etho, a quick tip. If you bring you and your crew to a tavern you’ll
    all regain morale there! hope this helps

  4. Hahaman8712 Says:

    Intimidate them by flinging poop at them!

  5. TheCoper COper Says:

    You are extraordinarily inattentive.

  6. aaron mckenzie Says:

    You have food you could fed them you just have to do it manually 

  7. 99makreel Says:

    Nice intro btw

  8. Ian Diederen Says:

    Why does it bother me that he has to pay the pirates every time :(

  9. ReliableStupidity Says:

    28:19 Bieberville: A town of raving Justin Bieber fanatics – extremely
    dangerous. Do not approach.

  10. alex xela Says:

    Lol the first island is called Esteban which is a french shampoo 

  11. Victor Do Says:

    Etho you had crab meat as food XD

  12. RedMCgaming Says:

    i’m sorry Etho, I tried, I tried my best, but i’m gonna stick with

  13. Unholybee Says:

    I love how the crates can parry xD

  14. IsaacMineCraft101 Says:

    one sec etho lemme get my snacks :D

  15. Delalcon Says:

    I have a hunch deadman tell no tales.. Not sure though.

  16. Penguin of Power Says:

    Etho, your luck stat is so far down compared with the others. You should
    try to get that up, maybe it will help.

  17. nolan shoukri Says:

    Etho if you get a town with library c if there’s a fishing book so someone
    can fish while you’re traveling

  18. Graydon B. Says:

    That: “Ha Har! Jim wag!” (or what ever he says) get me every time!
    also Etho, i love the series!

  19. Nibensirien Says:

    Hey Etho, it’s landlubbers, not land landlovers.

  20. Uruk 200 Says:

    Hang on, Hang on…. Etho’s Using Thumbnails?

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