Etho Plays Minecraft – Episode 381: Random Oddities

Etho Plays Minecraft - Episode 381: Random OdditiesMinecraft survival. In this Minecraft episode we try using a horse along with some jump pads at the wither skeleton farm. We do some trading, work on the Library, and some other random things….

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Dec 4th, 2014

20 Responses to “Etho Plays Minecraft – Episode 381: Random Oddities”

  1. xisumavoid Says:

    1:50 you are such a troll XD I bet theres nothing behind the door :-P

  2. Minga Says:

    Why does that song in the dream seem so familiar, someone help me out here

  3. L0RDOFCATS Says:

    Etho: Do you dip your fries in BBQ sauce? If not try it!
    (the best for this is chicken and Rib)

  4. HatchetHaro Says:

    I like how Etho gives us tiny bits of information on his personal life in
    some video, but every time we feel that it’s not enough, yet we still want
    to keep guessing. We’ve never seen Etho’s face, but now we know that he’s
    Canadian, he’s thin, has a high metabolism, likes BBQ sauce, likes mandarin
    oranges and mozzarella sticks, hates onions, actually swears but keeps this
    channel and his image family-friendly and can get sick like every other
    human being.
    *mind = blown*

  5. Gandalf1209 Says:

    Wow Etho. Way to make me imagine all of the forced breeding crap behind the
    secret project door.

  6. Whitestar_274 Says:

    OMG, I facepalmed so hard when he revealed what was behind the door!
    The dream also startled me (I loved it!).

  7. mark slack Says:

    Etho, do a face reveal.

  8. jarrod reed Says:

    Etho, me and you are the same I am eleven and I can not gain weight I weigh
    70-80 LBS !

  9. Scotty Donaldson Says:

    Etho Why dont you show your face on camera and do you do any hobbies
    outside of minecraft and the virtual world?

  10. Cassandra Rose Says:


    Etho: Behind this door…

    Me: IS ANOTHER DOOR!?! (Naruto episode 101 reference)

    30 seconds later…

    Me: -_-

  11. Tantrum Turtwig Says:

    etho, what does SMP stand for?

  12. Mark P Says:

    im surprised that Ethos thin, pic on the internet say that hes fat, but i
    can believe Etho.

  13. Daracaex Says:

    “I can’t gain weight.” -Etho

    Do you guys hear that? I think millions of people may be coming to kill
    Etho out of pure jealousy… =(

  14. Ian Trotter Says:

    #1 I also cannot gain weight.
    #2 I’m glab your not obiese that thought has been on my mind since I subbed
    also that was one of the reasons I wanted to see your face.
    #3 you are the best YouTuber in the history of the world!

  15. Bill383 Says:

    I gain weight so easily also if i eat nothin’ my life sux fml dammit why me

  16. MultiMCRush Says:

    Anyone else die a little on the inside when he didn’t actually open the
    diamond door?

  17. DevonBrine Says:

    Etho is that door thing going to be like the clay in your last lets play?


  18. CompsUniverse Says:

    What? Etho is super thin? I saw a couple of public videos that showed your
    fat, no offense

  19. Melancholy Says:

    Anybody know the song at 23:03?

  20. EthosLab Says:

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