Etho MindCrack SMP – Episode 183: Stuff & Things

Etho MindCrack SMP - Episode 183: Stuff & ThingsMinecraft Survival. In this Minecraft episode stuff and things happen. Why must I write a new description for every episode?! No one even reads the description! Even if by some 1 in million…

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Oct 10th, 2014

20 Responses to “Etho MindCrack SMP – Episode 183: Stuff & Things”

  1. leftymu Says:

    So basically it’s all BTC’s fault

  2. DrSpace Says:

    this is not meant to be insulting but.. I’ve noticed for a while that I
    don’t think Etho knows the word “to” exists. haha
    He frequently will say “…try put..” or “…try do…” instead of “…try
    to put..” just a thing I noticed

  3. TheHockeyLover77 Says:

    How can I be one in a million if there’s only 7 people in the world¿

  4. Onionboy Says:

    Uh oh, I’m starting to think Etho’s Mindcrack episodes are his SP LP.
    Anyone else?

  5. Alex Zhao Says:

    You should line the floor of the game with hoppers so that it can collect
    the arrows.

  6. Anne Marie Frerichs Says:

    r torches a block entity?

  7. SwiftClaw Teh Farmer Says:

    Etho play your intro that those people made for your 1 mil special more

  8. Paragon Nick Says:

    Wait, at 2:35 Etho says hey to “Myhkol” who the hell is he?

  9. TabascoTurtle Says:

    Carriage, Etho. A train carriage.

  10. nman97 Says:

    2:38 Who’s that? Is he new to the server? I seem to have forgotten who this
    “Mhykol” is..

  11. coastersplus Says:

    Love the description, man!

  12. Brody Flynn Says:

    I’m 1 in a million

  13. Patrick Star Says:

    Etho, I read the description. And you’re right, it’s a 1 in a million
    chance of someone reading the description.

  14. Dingle Derp Says:

    Wow Etho is really salty about nobody reading his description XD

  15. xMrGustavo Says:

    Does anyone knows how old is Etho?

  16. TheTotallyTackyTaco Says:

    +EthosLab is the new +Sl1pg8r – Minecraft, Mods, and MOAR! #stuffandthings

  17. EthosLab Says:
  18. Spaiu Moo Says:

    Title = Walking Dead reference? Walking Dead Game Confirmed.

  19. xisumavoid Says:

    I don’t always read the description box, but on the day i choose too….

  20. AfonsodelCB Says:

    I’m worried. I have not heard anything about minecraft updates since
    microsoft bought minecraft. I expected an update a couple weeks after the
    thing happened as an “we come in peace” act. But nothing yet. Hopefully
    they will make it faithfull to what minecraft has been so far, and
    hopefully they will add direct3D support, because my computer cant run
    recent OpenGL :/

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