Etho MindCrack FTB – Episode 47: Frogger Mechanics

Etho MindCrack FTB - Episode 47: Frogger MechanicsMindCrack FTB is a modded Minecraft server Guude has setup for the MindCrackers. It is a private (whitelisted) server. We are currently not accepting applica…

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : May 16th, 2013

20 Responses to “Etho MindCrack FTB – Episode 47: Frogger Mechanics”

  1. Sephiriot HoU Says:

    that would work in theory, but it wouldn’t work as intended in reality, when you update a chunk with MC edit, it will screw up the metadata of modblocks and steamboilers will turn to cobwebs, pipes, tubes and conduits etc will trurn to orblocks, soulsand and the likes and machines will become semirandom blocks

  2. D0Mainx Says:

    Etho set your performance to max FPS it will make it better :D

  3. drummerboyda Says:


  4. Richard Fong Says:

    It won’t work unless the mcedit they are using has the ftb items in it, otherwise, all the ftb items will be replaced with random vanilla items

  5. 17111993DAVE Says:

    Ita okay just upload more lp etho if the ftb server is down:)

  6. MrJason005 Says:

    etho, right click an and gate!

  7. zimme2579 Says:

    turn down your render distance etho

  8. SuperHenningh Says:

    No, being constructive is about saying how to improve / be better, regardless of what Words you use to Word it in. You can Call someone an idiot for not knowing and proceed to tell them what was wrong and it is still constructive.
    Its a Dick move to Call someone it, but it is still constructive.
    No matter what you say in context (be it rude or Nice) you are still helping them build and improve.

  9. Dustin Gagnon Says:

    I think you can select the number of inputs on an AND gate with a sonic screwdriver

  10. Timothy Bee Says:

    Etho what are you going to make the floor out of ? Need something to protect the system underneath otherwise KABOOM! :) awesome video

  11. Sheyuan Yeo Says:

    Etho, change your performance to high fps”

  12. TheodorEriksson Says:

    He’ll probably do that. Good idea! :)

  13. Christopher Hall Says:

    I’m not really sure if this would work but maybe you could select the whole world in mcedit and replace the xycraft tank blocks with air.

  14. indonesiasaya Says:

    etho replace the stone with water plus lilypad and some logs

  15. Awelmann1 Says:

    How did he look?

  16. TheReb3Ls Says:

    I had the weirdest dream, I met Etho. I was “Hallo!” And he waved to me. Lol

  17. Endercreeper11 Says:

    hey Etho did you know tat there is a russian server based on mindcrack its called minehack !

  18. Spazamazz Says:

    How long since an smp upload?

  19. 520Ejo Says:

    Etho you should make the Shovel Of Earth Mover

  20. Korbin Ramsay Says:

    Slowness potion

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