Etho MindCrack FTB – Episode 46: Design & Planning

Etho MindCrack FTB - Episode 46: Design & PlanningMindCrack FTB is a modded Minecraft server Guude has setup for the MindCrackers. It is a private (whitelisted) server. We are currently not accepting applica…

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : May 10th, 2013

20 Responses to “Etho MindCrack FTB – Episode 46: Design & Planning”

  1. slimkirbyfan100 Says:


  2. Dinolight2335 Says:

    What I was wondering.

  3. tekkkie Says:

    Hi Etho,

    You could use ‘ghost block’ from the ‘hidden rooms’ mod to make it seem like the trains move straight through a wall. That could be a nice way to hide all the stuff on the side.


  4. Schmittez1 Says:


  5. knikkrwurst Says:

    i am not doing well :(

  6. andrew99inparis Says:

    Use steves carts for frogger

  7. monst3rUNITS Says:

    For you laser tag game instead of using mining lasers you could use the wand of frost

  8. doublethinking22 Says:

    in the forestry wiki it states that it’s a bee bringing the mail!

  9. Mitchell Ward Says:

    monkey mail

  10. Steve2Work Says:

    Hey.. can you set up a catalog system where you get orders from players and you send the items and collect the minecraft cash. The first (?) virtual mail-order company. If someone can build it – it will be you. Set up a little mail/company area where MPCs wander around looking busy.

  11. ryancade1128 Says:

    You are right the royal turk !!! XXD

  12. DerJugendVonHeute Says:

    What you could do is make a part water with lilypads spread over the water, and have the Deer killing machines the B-team is using, shooting out fire balls at a random rate..
    So that you have first trains to pass and then the lilypads and then an other train section or so.

  13. brumma98 Says:

    superman is postman !?

  14. Alan Farquhar Says:

    He’s mentioned in a video that he doesn’t want to show his face, he wants it to stay a mystery. Some people lose interest in youtubers when they show their faces, just because what they look like, and I for one, wouldn’t want etho to show his face, and im sure alot of others would agree.

  15. daniel N Says:

    loving your videos thanks man

  16. SnowyHDGaming Says:

    no, u saw that he Send-ED the mail

  17. imboredhowru1 Says:

    Soul sand to slow players down?

  18. andrew99inparis Says:

    And for the steam boiler I beleive you’re supposed to use cole coke

  19. Frederik sandbæk Says:

    he got a jetpack

  20. fanoffdomino5 Says:

    Arcane levetators!

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