Etho MindCrack FTB – Episode 45: How Stuff Works

Etho MindCrack FTB - Episode 45: How Stuff WorksMindCrack FTB is a modded Minecraft server Guude has setup for the MindCrackers. It is a private (whitelisted) server. We are currently not accepting applica…

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : May 6th, 2013

20 Responses to “Etho MindCrack FTB – Episode 45: How Stuff Works”

  1. John McDaniel Says:


  2. BoboTheEpic Says:


  3. Wade Somerville Says:

    Mind crack pack

  4. SuperRageGame Says:

    U should have used a Stevens cart tree farm :)

  5. gendalfff Says:

    you can use filter on unloader and then wooden pipe from a chest – so the train will unload fast and stuff will be slowly pumped from that buffer chest, train is slow so to the time it returns – the buffer will be cleared

  6. ryanfitz2215 Says:

    do a ftb lets play

  7. 1990djanna Says:

    кто не гаварит по русски тот лох

  8. michos cristobal Says:

    Mindcrack pack

  9. TheCheeseDie Says:

    Put 4 redstone engines around the wooden pipe

  10. Elias Hakala Says:

    etho if u vant to get rid of the flux get the pure bees. like so etho can see.

  11. CarrotofGreatness Says:

    Etho…….. please get out of that hole, its like watching a hobo managing a nuclear powerplant and living in a cardboard box beside it…

  12. tdickjuergens Says:

    Which FTB mod pack do you use?

  13. Amran Yazid Says:

    hey etho can you make a live steam

  14. Lumitronic Says:

    Could somebody please tell me what mod is used to add chemical formulae to minerals’ name tags, such as Be3Al2Si6O18 for Emerald Dust at 27:54? Thanks! (thumb-ups or similar appreciated)

  15. Harrison King Says:

    At around 11:00 instead of moving everything you could put a panel there etho!

  16. matt w Says:

    Use a diamond pipe below the last barrel.
    Also use a electric engine that’s turned on by a gate to get items from train, and get its energy from some of the charcoal + battery box it will empty them fast

  17. justinmason100 Says:

    Etho if i recall correctly if you use a biomass engine it pulls out a stack each pump, i think you can also use an electrical engine.

  18. xMentaGaming Says:

    why you are doesnt use texture pack?

  19. dargon410 Says:

    i actually thing its the ultimate ftb pack

  20. Tim Straathof Says:

    what do you think with a video title like …. MINDCRACK FTB …..

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