ENEMY Gameplay Test Drive! (Tactical Combat Sim/RPG)

ENEMY Gameplay Test Drive! (Tactical Combat Sim/RPG)Let’s play ENEMY! Small squad tactical RPG with Minecraft-style art design and gameplay inspired by XCOM and Jagged Alliance, including fully destructible voxel maps and PERMADEATH!

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Mar 22nd, 2015

20 Responses to “ENEMY Gameplay Test Drive! (Tactical Combat Sim/RPG)”

  1. Wissportsman Says:

    I think punchwood was telling stories of his youth again

  2. JJCunning Creeper Says:

    Hey Paul! You may’ve mentioned this, and I may’ve missed it, but are you
    still planning on playing Minecraft anymore?

    It’s been over 3 months!

  3. scott12330 Says:

    you are doing way to many lest play how you have or make time for all of
    them? l thank you are ding like 7 lest play so far and that is way to mush.
    you need to prioritize on what lest play that may be good on youtube. doing
    way to mush lest play at once my lost of subscribers. (just saying)

  4. Kirt Gartner Says:

    You should Lets Play this Paul 

  5. DarthTrethon Says:

    Man you were talking for a reaaalllllllly loooooooooong time at the
    start…..I was getting annoyed just waiting for you to do something.
    Beyond that you know you’re in trouble when your plan of attack involves
    sending the person that had no offensive capabilities or protection to rush
    a dude with a gun straight down the middle of the wide open area he’s
    covering with his gun. You really should have retreated somewhere and let
    them come to you or if they didn’t follow maybe try to ambush them from the
    other side or something.

  6. Geoff Ellingwood Says:

    This does look like a lot of fun (huge XCOM and JA fan here). Thanks for
    sharing your impressions.

  7. SuperPaldn Says:

    The second this goes on sale, I’m getting it! lol

  8. Redcreeper2003 Says:

    You should try this game called surgeon simulator you are a surgeon but it
    has hard controls. PLEASE PLAY IT

  9. Pugglen Says:

    Jack Dempsey, Princess Peach and Punchwood. What a team

  10. Atala Prasetyo Says:

    Do a sirise with it!

  11. VioletWhirlwind Says:

    “Princess? What can YOU do?” He says and scoffs.

    Hey, Princesses can be bada** too, yaknow. XP Not saying that one is,
    but…I take it your allies are random? Can you find more allies as the
    game progresses?

    Geez, that end-game message is grim. What…there’s not other chances for
    heroes? ;P Still, a playthrough of this would be interesting. :)

  12. Sami Savolainen Says:

    The original jagged alliance and xcom are awesome. The remakes were not as
    much fun, they felt more hurried up versions, riding the wave. Did you ever
    play “laser squad”? Little older but it was fun too.

    Ill be here for the play through, looks fun.

  13. Bob Bob Says:

    9:02 I liked XCOM too, but (even with the DLC) it gets boring after

  14. paulsoaresjr Says:
  15. Duke Sidus Says:

    So, it’s a bit like Shadowrun Returns/Dragonfall, where combat is turned
    based, but everything else is real time? Good, because I can’t stand games
    where every little thing is turn based. 

  16. Vamp Gong Says:

    Paul, what I’m going to say does not relate to the video at all, but I
    would like to thank you for helping me out with your how to survive first
    night minecraft tutorials (alpha). They were very helpful, and is what got
    me into the game. <3

  17. Sarah Harper Scott Says:

    Paul my daughter watches your videos whether their old ones or new ones and
    she wanted me to ask you if you would please make more minecraft videos she
    loves them and she watches them all the time

  18. David Young Says:

    I like the play of this game, but I am unsure how well it would convert
    into a LP. Perhaps if you went full RP with it, but it looks like something
    you could waste a lot of time having fun with.

  19. Will Gamer Says:


  20. Lord DoomsDay Says:

    The game is too expensive

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