Xisuma’s World S02 E25 Talking Time

Xisuma's World S02 E25 Talking TimeThis is a talky episode about whats going on in the world and around the channel while i work on the final episode of this seasons Xisuma’s World —————————————————————————————————————- Want to support my channel? ▏ Donate bit.ly ▏ Twitter bit.ly ▏ Reddit bit.ly ▏ Planet MC bit.ly ▏ Facebook on.fb.me —————————————————————————————————————- Looking for more tutorials? ▏ XP Farms bit.ly ▏ Animal Breeding Machines bit.ly ▏ Mob Spawners bit.ly ▏ Farming bit.ly ▏ Other Tutorials bit.ly —————————————————————————————————————- World Seed & Location 2531761653426159232 X -2222 Z 1451 www.geomine.co.uk

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Apr 30th, 2012

20 Responses to “Xisuma’s World S02 E25 Talking Time”

  1. Cub0id Says:

    You’re channel is literally amazing. I have never seen tuts so well organised and clear! Much love <3

  2. LBGamingStar Says:

    Play Spiral Knights!

  3. sn00rken Says:

    oh so you’re not making a new world just changing focus? also great show as always really enjoy your videos you can really tell you put alot of effort in to them!

  4. iamfuturetrunks Says:

    Like I said before you should at least use the picks you didn’t want to get at least half way through before combining them. That way you at least don’t waste 3 diamonds. Its not like a server where they can just reset certain areas and you can keep getting unlimited resources. Soon you will start having to go further and further out to get more stuff or start a whole new world or something.

  5. mrbman11999 Says:

    please don’t stop this is one of my fav series!

  6. alecalbertson Says:

    Isn’t this the first episode we see xisuma’s nether?
    (note: viewed both series, just can’t remember)

  7. iamfuturetrunks Says:

    Btw once you get a skelleton farm you will realize how much bones are very useless when you have a double chest full. :P I have a skeleton spawner me and a friend found on a server and after leveling up to level 50 a few times you tend to run out of room for bones, arrows, and bows. Btw the only enchanted bow they drop is always power 1. Its nice to have arrows to just throw away but its not as great as it sounds. Right now we are basically having to throw arrows and bones into lava.

  8. chrisyrowlands1234 Says:

    Hurts !! ah well il just craft ones with bad enchantments with nearly gone tools =]

  9. trexmaster9000 Says:

    Soon? The sheer amount of diamonds in one area of a map is more than enough to satisfy the average LPer. 

  10. SamButler11 Says:

    wait so….are you going to start a new world?/? i was looking forward to seeing the tree finished!!

  11. redbluegreen987 Says:

    If you have seen Ethos’labs Endermen farm. If you combine Etho’s and Panda’s it would be like OMG

  12. HOAheadquarters Says:

    Not to sound ignorant, But how come you can’t breathe through your nose? I had a friend a couple of years ago with a similar condition, But I never had the chance to ask him why.

  13. DirtyRiverMonkey Says:

    When are you going to build a mob spawner? or the tunnels connecting everything?

  14. MrMatthew751 Says:

    What does it mean to be out of work and why do you think you dont have a good speaking voice. I think its pretty good. And why cant you breathe through your nose :(

  15. Rabenschild Says:

    I sometimes have the feeling you are being to hard with yourself. You do a great job with your videos and i do not think that you are a bad “speaker”(?).

    Why do you call it a season? If you want to build on Atlantis just do it, if you want to build on the Treehouse thats fine too. It is your world and your channel, no need to excuse yourself.

    I am looking forward for more content from Hermitcraft and a great special about Atlantis!

    Thanks for all the good content!!!

  16. DirtyRiverMonkey Says:

    Oh and will you make an iron farm tutorial or in your lp?

  17. SamButler11 Says:

    i was just thinking….a game: minecraft editability + skyrim sized maps + some sought pvp system based on pokemon. harharhar :)

  18. mcsdaver Says:

    You have a great speaking voice and all of your videos are fun to watch.
    Atlantis has been a fun topic and I am sure you will get back to your tree house when you are ready. As long as you are in Minecraft you are on the right subject!!!

  19. Dewaholic86 Says:

    Well then, cant wait to see what kind of things you work on next. You on the server will be great, cant wait to see those vids. Variety is the spice of life, no reason to stick to one build or target, I have dozens of projects going at once and bounce around to stop from getting bored.

  20. V00tCruiser Says:

    wait… so you’re ending xisuma’s world entirely or just starting a new season?

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