Xisuma’s World S02 E23 Renovation

Xisuma's World S02 E23 RenovationIn this episode we tribute the donators and redo some things around Atlantis. —————————————————————————————————————- Want to support my channel? ▏ Donate bit.ly ▏ Twitter bit.ly ▏ Reddit bit.ly ▏ Planet MC bit.ly ▏ Facebook on.fb.me —————————————————————————————————————- Looking for more tutorials? ▏ XP Farms bit.ly ▏ Animal Breeding Machines bit.ly ▏ Mob Spawners bit.ly ▏ Farming bit.ly ▏ Other Tutorials bit.ly —————————————————————————————————————- World Seed & Location 2531761653426159232 X -2222 Z 1451 www.geomine.co.uk

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Apr 18th, 2012

20 Responses to “Xisuma’s World S02 E23 Renovation”

  1. internetrush Says:

    What is this new block he keeps talking about?

  2. mastermind3997 Says:

    Just as an idea, you could have an enchanting room where different levers cause pistons to push bookcases near the enchanting bench. That way, you could do low level enchants to high level enchants all in one room.

  3. jimthechimmneyman1 Says:

    Even though you used less pistons, you used like 50 repeaters..

  4. gamecube47 Says:

    Xisuma,you got to check out theory movies minecraft dota,it’s freaking amazing.
    It would be a great featured channel on xisuma show

  5. mickyboondock Says:

    if you invert the signal going to your t flip flop, it will switch on and off when the button is pressed, rather than when the button pulse turns off. minecraft addict made a video about it, and called it supercharging t flip flops, try it out.

  6. judd500 Says:

    A scarecrow on top of the pumpkins would look cool when the wheat is grown. Or maybe as wall art. Great video.

  7. MrMatthew751 Says:

    Put on smooth lighting to fix the upside down slab glitch

  8. dda917 Says:

    You should use that lighting glitch that you showed to make a creeper face or some other pixel art on the ceiling of the sheering room

  9. RandomRhinos Says:

    the entrance should be way more magnificent

  10. TheBroanMapler Says:

    Even though you probably already have tons of responses telling you this, but there was a bug where when you broke powered lamps you’d get a powered lamp haha in 1.2.3 I think

  11. N0H8ERZ Says:

    why does even the simplest things of his look better than an hours work of mine? ;)

  12. lookasneetch Says:

    My name is Birch, so its always funny and col when guys like you refer to the birch planks or trees or logs. :)

  13. MineCastCrew Says:

    But, i think that was a bug in Minecraft Version 1.2.3

  14. lookasneetch Says:

    Love the donor idea! :D Felt good to hear my name. Keep it up!

  15. kutkiller64 Says:

    It would be cool to have little waterfalls fall down to hydrate (i cant spell) the non hydrated dirt. Also that way you can make it look tropical and stuff

  16. Samji3877 Says:

    Just watched the vid from my recently purchased iPad and just gotta say again Xisumavoid fantastic vid your Atlantis is looking 5 STAR!!

  17. Secureumbra Says:

    Always look forward to your videos!

  18. xisumavoid Says:

    Thank you :)

  19. mrbman11999 Says:

    I would really love to donate to you because your one of my fav commutators on YouTube and I would so love to smack a five right into your PayPal right now but i can’t because I’m 13 :(

  20. ExileUnlimited Says:

    I really like how the wheat farm looks now =)

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