Xisuma’s World Revisited (Nostalgia World Tour)

Xisuma's World Revisited (Nostalgia World Tour)Xisuma’s World Playlist â-» https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEAE87FF051C0748A Time for a nostalgic tour of my old lets play world, Xisuma’s World, I haven’t seen this place for over…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Sep 12th, 2014

20 Responses to “Xisuma’s World Revisited (Nostalgia World Tour)”

  1. Alejandro Miller Says:

    I’m so happy you did this Xisuma!!
    I watched the hole series like two months ago!! And I should say this world
    is amazing, to should continue it or may be start a Xisuma’s world 2.0 !!!
    That shoul be awesome

  2. xisumavoid Says:

    Re uploaded because i accidentally published it on the wrong day :-)

  3. Flame // QUIT GFX Says:

    Xisuma is this an reupload?

  4. BinnerMC Says:

    lets make the longest comment reply line!

  5. FalseSymmetry Says:

    Lovely to see this world again. Missed this video the first time around.
    Absolutely loved the sheep farm at the time, one of my favourite parts of
    the world :D

    Did you still have the world saves for Geomine? Might be nice to do a tour
    of that again :)

  6. Harp3r Boy Says:

    Why do you call sugarcanes “reeds”? :P

  7. JetCrasher13 Says:

    I watched the whole ad just for you xisuma

  8. gruenerKoenig Says:

    I can’t believe it… all the Memories… all the time spend. I remember
    the Spiderfarm, that Project got me really in your Videos. Thx Xisuma, it
    was a wonderfull time… and it will be for all the next years and

  9. oc:Sharpey Says:

    How different your voice was in the xisuma’s world days

  10. Simon Lloyd Says:

    You had iron armour but had 20 diamond blocks, that 1.0 logic

  11. Destinyy PvPs Says:

    i remember this D: even though this is like my 5th youtube channel i still
    remember the first episode of your single player world and your tours on
    geomine and D: man i missed those times

  12. Journeyman Says:

    I feel like the period you played in was the golden age of minecraft. After
    1.0 and before 1.3. Then, things required work, and this world shows you
    did a lot of it

  13. iWithered Says:

    Don’t get me wrong, but wasn’t coloured wood added in the 1.2 update, not

    EDIT: And there’s smooth sandstone from 1.3(?)

  14. AngryKnine Says:

    You did at one time have the world up for download. I recall downloading
    it, and starting near a sign that said “Have fun!” or something like that,
    not too far from Atlantis. Speaking of which, I am surprised you didn’t
    mention the showcase video you did for Atlantis. ;)

  15. Hayden James Says:

    Xisuma the hot key to open the search tab is T

  16. xisumavoid Says:

    Today we are going on a nostalgic tour of my first LP world :-)

  17. Sokar Says:

    Memories :)

  18. Fennoman Says:

    Oh man, I remember the talk you had when you had **just** gotten your
    YouTube partership, which was a really big deal back then.

    The memories!

  19. Hypnotizd Says:

    So much nostalgia. Those old animal breeding cells are amazing. I
    remember watching Docm77 making something similar back in world tour

  20. Prodiod Says:

    I’ve known about you for years now, but I don’t actively watch your
    videos… I think I’m missing out.

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