WoK Server Tour: Episode 04 with Shiftmaster

WoK Server Tour: Episode 04 with ShiftmasterMinecraft Server Tour – World of Keralis – Episode 04 with Shiftmaster Hi Minecrafters! Today Shiftmaster will show of us some parts of the server and tell us more about his amazing landscaping and victorian style houses. Shiftmaster is also an admin on the server. Shiftmaster just started a channel where he will upload videos, tutorials and how to’s on his amazing skills of landscaping and victorian houses so please do check it out: www.youtube.com Important information about the server: Whitelist removed so everyone can tour the server but for being able to build you still need to apply. Read more about it on www.keralis.net. Also alot of diamonds and love for all the skilled builders who has made this possible. Thank you all! Want to support the channel? Please check out the links below. ————————————————- * Twitter: bit.ly * Facebook: on.fb.me * WWW: www.keralis.net ————————————————- * Lets Build Series bit.ly * House Tutorials Series: bit.ly ————————————————- * Lets Play: bit.ly ————————————————- Do you want to support the channel with a small donation? Paypal: bit.ly ————————————————- ———- TexturePack ———- Soartex FanVer: bit.ly ——– Music & Vocals ——- Intro Music was made by Heffay. www.youtube.com www.heffay.com http Vocals are from: beatsroyaltyfree.com Lots of love & diamonds! -Keralis

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Filed under Keralis : Comments (20) : Apr 24th, 2012

20 Responses to “WoK Server Tour: Episode 04 with Shiftmaster”

  1. Norgesmindevej Says:

    Hey Keralis could you please add me
    Name: norgesmindevej

  2. airthriller Says:

    I had the wrong ip

  3. Thehellman31 Says:

    can you whitelist me? minecraft name = Mattiashellman

  4. randomvidsinc123 Says:

    @Youboob6002 we tried the server with a specific build area but soon griefing became the same as griefing to the new members. The admins don’t have time to always keep an eye on the guest area so we decided to switch to this.

  5. Keralis Says:

    Sure you have the correct ip?

  6. squad6 Says:

    It is kind of Keralis for showcasing fellow minecrafters works.

  7. ghostyosk Says:

    This is awsome <3

  8. wildmanoman Says:

    3 to 5 days for me it was 30 min. xD

  9. 12njr Says:

    potatoes gonna potate

  10. airthriller Says:

    Keralis it says I can’t connect to the server

  11. Keralis Says:

    haters will hate. :)

  12. MutinyFive Says:

    who would dislike this?

  13. MichaKichanaYT Says:

    Keralis! Add me too :) Eniek2

  14. Keralis Says:


  15. 1337INfi Says:

    OMG i tought he said shitmaster D:

  16. Keralis Says:

    Well if people could respect the rules servers wouldn’t have to do this. We tried the other things and doesn’t work so there is nothing we can do about it.

  17. youboob6022 Says:

    I’m not here to cause an argument, and I know that it’s an anti-griefing measure. But I hate servers that do overkill like this, the whole apply for building priveleges thing kind of destroys the idea of freedom in Minecraft.

  18. Keralis Says:

    its only cause I run the server on my own pc for the recording and the save is around 1.3gb so it was kinda laggy here.

  19. Keralis Says:

    will record new episode today. :) 

  20. Keralis Says:

    Kinda is none. :) 

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