UNTURNED 3.0 Gassy Generators & Rotten Tomatoes! (Gameplay / Walkthrough)

UNTURNED 3.0 Gassy Generators & Rotten Tomatoes! (Gameplay / Walkthrough)Let’s play Unturned 3.0 Early Preview! In this episode, we test the new gas-powered generators and the new Food Quality System by eating and drinking spoiled foodstuffs! â-» Subscribe for…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Apr 18th, 2015

20 Responses to “UNTURNED 3.0 Gassy Generators & Rotten Tomatoes! (Gameplay / Walkthrough)”

  1. fu yi Says:

    hey paul do you have skype?

  2. K e n t F r i t z g e r a l d Says:

    lol papa jones and indiana. smurf

  3. gaminmaster100 Says:

    Um Paul this has been out for awhile I have unturned and I got this stuff
    like last month

  4. jesse boer Says:

    Are you really first

  5. legoclone09 Says:

    When your toxicity reaches 0% you die from the common cold. There’s a
    reason you’re alive in this, you used the vaccine before the apocalypse.
    The Vaccine prevents zombification.

  6. Daniel Mills Says:

    Paul WHERE IS MINECRAFT also SKYRIM is assposed to be on your mature Chanel
    Paulie on tab

  7. Duncan Poopface Says:


  8. Swifter Dragonborn12 Says:

    Hey Paul, I don’t know where to get Smiley Land. Do you have a link where I
    can download it?

  9. jordan larner Says:

    Felt the need to say that a tomato isn’t a vegetable, that’s knowledge.
    Knowing not to put it in a fruit salad is common sense ;)

  10. Seth Kenny Says:

    You gotta level up your crafting skill in order to craft that specific item

  11. Billy Wagner Says:

    I wish you could get skills just by doing that one thing. For example, if
    you wanted to be better at crafting, you gotta craft, or if you want to be
    better at sharpshooter, you gotta shoot, etc. It would make it a lot more
    realistic and you wouldn’t have to worry about experience.

  12. Hyrule Field Says:

    i want a green jeep dangit!

  13. Homer Simpson Says:

    he needs to make nights darker i think.

  14. Team Enchanted - Become an Enchanter! Says:

    When I say Nelson, you say Mandella! Nelson!

  15. jesse boer Says:

    What is this game

  16. Astrogirl1usa Says:

    Love your content Paul, always. I want to take this opportunity to thank
    you, for having the consideration to put mature rated videos on a separate
    channel. It shows how much you care about the underage kids, that make up
    many of your subscribers. With many YTers playing GTA V now, most are
    uncaring in that respect. Although you aren’t playing that, it just
    reminded me of how good you are about keeping inappropriate videos away
    from children. Children who aren’t old enough to not be influenced by them.
    Thank you! <3

  17. Shawn Schossow Says:

    I think that this game has some of the best potential I have seen from
    early access games! Kind of like Subnautica :)

  18. paulsoaresjr Says:
  19. Nightwing2123 Says:

    Hi Paul when is man vs Minecraft coming back?

  20. LogandadLoga Says:

    Welcome to the 301 club the beer stand is open
    What would you like to eat

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