UNTURNED 3.0 – Father & Son in Smileyland – Episode 4 – “Big Boom Nuke!”

UNTURNED 3.0 - Father & Son in Smileyland - Episode 4 - Let’s play Unturned 3.0 multiplayer co-op! Just some good ol’ fashioned father & son zombie-killin’ bonding time! Like Rick and Carl of The Walking Dead! Heck, I even have the stetson! Smileyland…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Mar 22nd, 2015

20 Responses to “UNTURNED 3.0 – Father & Son in Smileyland – Episode 4 – “Big Boom Nuke!””

  1. Sarky Lemon Says:

    Where is unturned with GenerikB? I loved that! Is it coming back?

  2. Kalyb Bertrand Says:

    Hey Paul! PEI has been remade in Unturned preview!

  3. EnderDGames Says:

    Why doesn’t Paul turn off the parent limitations?
    I mean he IS the parent and it’s been a hindrance to the series since
    episode 1.
    I still like the series but the restrictions of Chief seem a
    Especially when whatever few minutes he has is used up on a video for Paul.
    Thats just my two bits. Im sure Paul is a great dad im just curious as to
    why a gamer would restrict his gamer son to how much gaming he could do.

    I find it strange.

  4. YanskiDoesGamezz Says:

    Paul There Is A New Update On Unturned 3.0 Are You Going To Do A Review

  5. Luis Burgos Says:

    How can I join the server I have the map

  6. Susan Guevara Says:

    Idenpedence day the movie 

  7. What The Steve Says:

    Again? They’re all still here. Don’t listen to them paul, you’re your own
    person, you can make your own informed decisions, they don’t run you, they
    don’t know what you have been through. They know your name, not your story.
    Don’t let the man tell you weather or not to continue Minecraft, it’s your
    call, your right, this is your country and its time to rise against the
    oppressors that are, asking you to play Minecraft on every video. So if you
    decide to play Minecraft, so be it, but do not let the others make that
    decision for you!

  8. Dominic Swan Says:

    I just found a prototype railgun at the default map of PEI 3.0 at the
    scorpion section of the map. Sadly so far i can find any ammo besides
    inside a gun anywhere for it…

  9. paulsoaresjr Says:
  10. elvira clement Says:

    Hey Paul can you join my server on unturned 3.0?

  11. Matheusk0 Says:

    0:25 how did you move the map without using the slide bars?

  12. Dan TheGeckoMan Says:

    What does he mean when he has 2 mins left?

  13. Luis Quintanilla Says:

    Hi im new to this channel

  14. brenden wetherington Says:

    Minecraft? Paul where’s the minecraft

  15. Therry Butt Says:

    There’s a place to the very top left corner of the map called “Home” you
    should go to that place since I think no one else who has played smiley
    land have went there yet (it’s very high up in the sky so ladders are

  16. Stona Raptor Says:

    anyone know when unturned 3 is being upgraded as the “standard ” version?
    kinda tired of the map in unturned 2

  17. Eryk PPG Says:

    +paulsoaresjr Paul, you should play more with your son on camera. I think
    it’s better to watch two people play but I prefer sometimes watching you
    play by yourself ;)

  18. Quentin Davis Says:

    +paulsoaresjr why did you stop Captive minecraft????????????

  19. bigbricksfilms Says:

    Hey Paul, you think you could stream this game and map with your
    subscribers one day?

  20. Isaac Webber Says:

    Can u plz mentione me in a video I’m ur biggest fan and its my only wish in
    the world an I’m only 10

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