The Spatials Gameplay Test Drive! (Space Station Sim)

The Spatials Gameplay Test Drive! (Space Station Sim)Let’s play The Spatials! Starting with a small crew of intrepid officers, you must build and manage a space station in a wild corner of the galaxy! Send your crew on planetary tactical combat…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Apr 3rd, 2015

20 Responses to “The Spatials Gameplay Test Drive! (Space Station Sim)”

  1. paulsoaresjr Says:
  2. Peter Soprunov Says:

    Please resume minecraft! We all miss our favorite minecrafter!

  3. Tigerhorse Zhang Says:

    Hey Paul,
    I think (and I believe many of your viewers agree) that more variety on
    your channel would be nice. Most of the games you are playing are
    remarkably similar, and, although I don’t want to push you to play too
    many, I think you can try Dyscourse after you have time in your schedule.
    Dyscourse is a really interesting take on survival type games. You are
    stranded with other survivors, and you make choices, rather than collecting
    resources and crafting, to ensure the survival and rescue of your group. 

  4. jonny gat Says:

    not first!

  5. Kireinafujin Says:

    Just started this too. Such a great game! Great vid as usual PSJ.

  6. Parker Craft Says:

    At first, this seemed like a futuristic Rim World. But then I saw that
    there was a LOT more! Seems like a cool game!

  7. Donutgames00 Says:

    can u someday do a lets play of dis game plz

  8. Duke Sidus Says:

    This reminds me a lot of the UFO games and Startopia, but with actual
    building, instead of prefab structures, which isn’t a bad thing. I
    definitely like the Star Trek vibe, as well.

  9. Eclipse Cat Says:

    Get better soon Paul!!!! I am a huge trekkie! Cool vid XD

  10. TENGILL Says:

    To eat food they need to sit down.
    Under the diner options you will find a item to place down that will help
    with that.

  11. iceberg149 Says:

    Paul I love ya man. U Got me into Minecraft and while were talking about
    MC, Where on Earth are the MC Vids! They are Long over due!!!! Pls tell me
    ure uploading some soon.

  12. Jason Curry Says:

    nice game! also this looks like first comment :p

  13. Levi Campbell Says:

    Bard is Geordi!

  14. 123LegoRock Says:

    I love this type of game! It’s got kind of a ‘The Escapists’ vibe, but with
    alot more combat and tactics. Totally checking this game out! :D 

  15. Derg Enterprises Says:

    I didn’t realize that confusion was a symptom, I thought that was par for
    the course. Get well soon Paul.

  16. Benjamin Padilla Says:

    Just saw this on steam and was wondering who would make a game-play of this
    and thought paul might do it and i was right. Nice, now i get to see the
    game in action. 

  17. Ceryk Says:

    Looked at this. Looked like that Spacebase game that Double Fine abandoned.
    Been considering looking into this since it was a finished game.

    I like the fact that there’s a progression element to it and not just a
    sandbox. I generally need goals in games -_-

  18. JakeKapustaOfficial Says:

    The first boss looked like a Pekka from clash of clans

  19. Noah Navarro Says:

    This could be an interesting LP especially if you don’t do any research!

  20. Desmond FireTv Says:

    you should make a series of this but have a challenge every episode and if
    you don’t complete it. then we comment a room that you have to completely
    destroy and you can’t rebuild it. you can however replace it with something
    else with a completely different function. but the fun isn’t with the
    punishment its really with the challenge, like take over this amount of
    planets or something.

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