The Escapists | “Old Friends and Enemies!” Day 2 – Shankton State Pen

The Escapists | Let’s play The Escapists! In this episode, Punchwood breaks through his cell wall and reminisces with former guards and inmates from prisons he’s escaped from including Fhurst Peak, Stalag…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Dec 20th, 2014

20 Responses to “The Escapists | “Old Friends and Enemies!” Day 2 – Shankton State Pen”

  1. aaronopdahl Says:

    PAUL! They swore at 2:59! ;-;

  2. Thunderwolf Gaming Says:

    4th view my life is complete and first like and first comment!! Look at the
    comments and look at newest to first i am first! Yea :)

  3. SilverDSlite Says:

    Looks like Bentley got himself quite the tan from the Jungle Compound.

  4. TrueRedTrainee Says:

    Paul, guards take down your sheets when their opinion is below 50

  5. TheLORDMJ Says:

    20:24 I would pay million bucks to see Paul’s face while he was pulling
    that accent.

  6. Daniel Nattrass Says:

    Oi you went through my desk!

  7. wallyloc559 Says:

    why do they keep taking the bed sheets down? is there any way to keep them

  8. learntoCOEXIST Says:

    It’d be funny if, as a joke, they added white spots on the floors of the
    showers and inmates cells for the janitor to clean up…

  9. Chalet Says:

    The episode is called Roping Benjamin. You use cutters to cut vents and

  10. StormyLaura H Says:

    Curious to see how things play out in this prison, compared to the other

  11. Unsightedmetal6's Channel Says:

    21:46 I had it kind of turned low and I thought he said something else…
    Initial Reaction: Wait…WHAT DID HE SAY!?!?! DID PAUL SWEAR!?!?!?
    Then I went back in the video and listened to it louder…
    “…Hassle…” Me: OHHH!

  12. Pika Chu Says:

    powered screwdriver = battery + wire + (duh) screwdriver

  13. Nicole Arevalo Says:

    Uploaded on my B-day! ^_^

  14. Hunterr4408 Says:

    What does Maybe do if you choose it? Will they not get mad if you say

  15. paulsoaresjr Says:
  16. Hunterr4408 Says:

    I love how the Guards are fine when other people run around half naked, but
    when Punchwood does they’re like “Put it on!!”

  17. Giant Grass Says:

    I have been in prison 4 times with randomized people and each one had a
    Bentley. 3 times he was a guard and when he was an inmate I beat him up all
    of the time

  18. WarmGood Rob Says:

    At around 4:38, you were buying from SEBASTIAN, who was right behind

  19. Ripclash Says:

    u know the infirmary takes some money

  20. taffyman17 Says:


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