The Escapists | E10 “Breaking Out!” | Shankton State Pen | Day 10

The Escapists | E10 Let’s play The Escapists! In this episode, Punchwood attempts to break out of Shankton State Penitentiary! Escapists Playlist: Follow me on Steam!…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Jan 4th, 2015

20 Responses to “The Escapists | E10 “Breaking Out!” | Shankton State Pen | Day 10”

  1. ChatAttackX Says:

    do another prison

  2. Julia Nut Says:

    plz do another prison I love this series

  3. Alex Vanderkruk Says:

    I stayed up till 4:30am watching this. 

  4. Aiden Shay Says:

    Odell was your best friend in the first correctional facility because he
    gave you super glue 

  5. StormyLaura H Says:

    Pablo Punchwood is a man who knows how to escape with style and grace!!…

    He should be. He’s had plenty of practice.

  6. ViceVersaFusion Says:

    Punchwood escapes again! Can’t wait until the next Prison!

  7. Stephen Nuttall Says:

    Hey! If you don’t want to do a favor just hit the maybe button to not do it
    and not lose 10 opinion!

  8. Yume10605 Says:

    Loved it and your doing so good at escaping

  9. Fluffy Tron Says:

    Guys he is going to play Minecraft soon because New Year’s Day is over so
    he’s going to get back to mc when he plays mc he is going to take a break
    off escapists (I hope)

  10. NTR Says:

    Well, Punch wood to the Pancho he goes!!! He will die there…

  11. Chief barfy Says:

    Luis wanted a toothbrush shiv and he had a toothbrush in his desk

  12. Wonderboom Studios Says:

    as soon as i saw the one before this one came up

  13. Gunner193 Says:

    Wow, Shankton is a joke. Even Fhurst was harder to escape from than this.

    Another day, another dollar. Another year, another prison escaped. Good
    job, Pablo, stick it to the man!

  14. paulsoaresjr Says:
  15. SuperBen32 Says:

    +paulsoaresjr You should check out the Prison building game “Prison
    Architect”. I think you and your audience would enjoy it! 

  16. Guillaume Ohz Says:

    escape with a friend ! biggest challenge possible lol

  17. Riley Mathiasen Says:

    More, this is my favorite series of yours. 

  18. captainwowzerpantz Says:

    you know those prison officer goons are pretty stupid, lol you’d think they
    would keep a closer eye on Punchwood since this is now the 3rd or 4th
    prison he has escaped from lol

  19. Professor Birch Says:

    I can’t wait to see Paul recaptured & put into San Pancho, it’s such a
    difficult prison!

    I recommend getting the tailoring job & doing ALOT of exercise, because the
    prisoners there are incredibly fast & strong.

  20. Mike Lombard Says:

    I am still wondering what crime punch wood

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