The Escapists | E06 “Risky Business!” | Shankton State Pen | Day 6

The Escapists | E06 Let’s play The Escapists! In this episode, Punchwood makes a risky move in the middle of the day and gets — ! Escapists Playlist: Follow me on Steam!…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Jan 1st, 2015

20 Responses to “The Escapists | E06 “Risky Business!” | Shankton State Pen | Day 6”

  1. pbilk1 Says:

    You got to use your back door more often, especially during the day. :P

  2. GamingDictators Says:

    Can someone tell me how he tells if the weapon he is using is 5/5 or like
    3/5 or the chipping is 5/5 and that stuff ( I got the game after watching
    his videos and don’t know how )

  3. laythrishmawi Says:

    10 facts I know about you:
    1.You are reading this
    2.You can’t say the letter ‘m’ without touching your lips
    3.You just tried it
    4.Your smiling
    6. Your smiling or laughing again
    7.You didn’t notice I missed fact 5
    8.You just checked it
    9.You smiling…AGAIN
    10.You carry on reading the comments.
    Please, this is just for fun, don’t take it seriously. (and yes i copy and
    pasted this)

  4. Always Afk Says:

    Have you tried leaving contraband in an empty cell? You need to test that

  5. LegendaryLegend Says:

    I love these videos!! <3 I was watching a movie called Escape Plan and it
    reminded me of this series xD

  6. Martiniator Says:

    Well, that’s a sudden end of the episode… I think the camera saw you
    climb the vent.

  7. armena torvan Says:

    Well if it’s a rage quit vs “cheating” then I choose cheating any day. Yes
    I know it’s the game’s fault. I think having to replay the whole day is
    always punishment enough anyway :)

  8. JebusChrist Says:

    Ah man. If you rage quit, I don’t blame you. I would too

  9. hamad jamali Says:

    i haven’t know this but for some reason punching bags give you speed in
    shankton and in san pancho it gives you STR

  10. LongDoesMC Says:

    It was great collaborating with you! Maybe we can do it again sometime :)


  11. spi ral Says:


  12. Joey Puckett Says:

    Oh Paulie, no Shawshankton Redemption for you! Critical error there it
    seems, as you went into the vent during the day with no blankets up and a
    camera watching you? Major noobtastic mistake and you knew better than
    that. Man you lost a LOT of hard earned goodies. Look forward to the next
    one! Thanks for this episode!

  13. Wilson Scout Says:

    Hey Paul, you can use the hotkeys 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 on your keyboard
    isntead of clicking, might be usefull when needing to cover vents quickly.

  14. 9faosPlays Says:

    “we have to get up to the rooftop as soon as possible…” Me: ” UP ON THE


  15. Swazilla gomanshi Says:

    its been said enough but opening comment( its not like im making you work
    or something like that) (warden of shankton: paul saursu jr.!)

  16. Punchwood Says:

    *BEEP* I finally got access to a computer after almost 5 days! Its me
    Punchwood. I am telling you now and here. Bentley is a secret spy! Or so i
    think he is. I dont know if you should trust me or not? Do i trust myself??
    Well anyways, if you’re reading this im going to be doing some risky
    business. Wish me good luck, Punchwood out.

  17. 123LegoRock Says:

    Skip to 7:10 for “Math with Paul Soares Jr.”!

  18. Andrew Le Says:

    Why does he have a million subscribers but average around 30,000 views for
    every video he posts, the ratio from subscribers to the average number of
    views is way off.

  19. Gunner193 Says:

    Not your best mental day, was it, mr. Punchwood the inmate? You’ve already
    been to three prisons, what makes you think committing a rookie mistake
    such as breaking into forbidden areas during active time was a good idea?
    Even the sheets wouldn’t have helped, guards take those off between 8AM and

    You also missed the so desired talcum in Odell’s underwear pocket (eugh)
    back in the shower, though I assume the label wasn’t turned your way, so I
    can forgive you for it.

  20. paulsoaresjr Says:

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