The Escapists | E03 “Trolling Bentley!” | Shankton State Pen

The Escapists | E03 Let’s play The Escapists! In this episode, Punchwood gets a red key mold and also mocks Bentley, formerly a guard at Jungle Compound! Full Playlist: Follow me on Steam!…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Dec 22nd, 2014

20 Responses to “The Escapists | E03 “Trolling Bentley!” | Shankton State Pen”

  1. TheGoldenCarrot Says:

    I can take ads
    I can take buffer
    But when ads buffer I suffer.

  2. Pika Chu Says:

    powered screwdriver is battery, wire and screwdriver.

  3. Benjamin Durocher Says:

    At 10:03 the time was 113 seven. The seven number on my iPod doesn’t work
    same with the third letter in you and I auto corrected the letter between y
    and i

  4. TrueRedTrainee Says:

    Mr. Pablo Punchwood, I would like to thank you for your gracious gifts of a
    spatula and a comb shiv to me, Tobias

  5. Cook- N -Craft Says:

    I think those cameras are like the buttons for traffic lights they’re there
    they just don’t do anything.

  6. Vashmantie: Minecraft GFX, Mods, Hunger Games And More! Says:

    Paul I am so lucky this Christmas! Escapists is on sale until 2nd of
    January but it’s only on windows but I have a Mac BUT THIS CHRISTMAS IM

  7. TheDawgMiner Says:

    Did you forget about all that extra storage in the unoccupied cells? There
    is a not so obvious pattern with daily desk loot that is very useful.

  8. Guillaume Ohz Says:

    You talk too much and forget your goals! You could beat the guy and the
    guard and earn some bucks this day, as you accepted the jobs, but wathever
    I love your videos and this serie in particular. Very fun to watch, thanks!

  9. Stiggandr1 Says:

    What is that game playing on the righthand screen in the outro? Annotations
    don’t seem to be working here, and I’d like to see what it is. 

  10. Always Afk Says:

    Why haven’t you taken the desks from the empty cells?

  11. StormyLaura H Says:

    Ummm… running blind is a bad idea, PSJ. That’s a good way to run into a
    wall and bonk your nose!

    Also, troll Bentley. My hubby’s best friend’s last name is Bentley, and
    last time he visited he whipped me in pool! (He’s actually an awesome guy.)

  12. Abdullah Malallah Says:

    Continue ,on its an amazing game. I wish i had it.

  13. Darkpheonix Says:

    +Paulsoaresjr I think your kit lie, the iOS game hard time basically a
    prison simulator

  14. AE ROYAL Says:

    SHU means Security Housing Unit not shut the heck up xD

  15. paulsoaresjr Says:
  16. Andres Flores Pineda Says:

    Paul i see wen you were cleaning that the principal dors of the prisision
    were unlock!!! Use that!

  17. Kent Frey Says:

    I think it would be cool if your did flyboys with skyzm and those guys on
    their next season. : )

  18. Brenna Michaelsen Says:

    When you beat up the guy who had the red key, you were spotted by the
    camera, which is why your guard heat went up.

    Love your videos, btw. :3

  19. Sahara14 Says:

    Can you leave stuff in the empty cells? I dont play this game, it just
    seems like an idea

  20. Timmy G Says:

    I like watching your videos they make me happy 

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