Terraria 1.2 – Episode 29: New Ores

Terraria 1.2 - Episode 29: New OresTerraria has been updated to the long awaited 1.2 patch, which introduces countless new blocks, items, weapons, biomes, bosses, and a whole lot of other grea…

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Dec 3rd, 2013

20 Responses to “Terraria 1.2 – Episode 29: New Ores”

  1. Caden Watson Says:

    Hey etho, that “turtle” is very important!!! Kill any on sight! it gives a
    rare drop that is called a turtle shell! added with the ore chloropythe it
    makes the best armor in the game! Oh btw I love ur vids and I know many
    other people feel the same :P so yeah KEEP DOING TERRARIA!!!!!!

  2. jeremiah gonzalez Says:

    nope he mold is a 1/5000 drop from any mod in any biome and the key is a
    100/100 drop from plantera find a pink plant and mine it for boss fight

  3. Davy Kammer Says:

    I love it love etho

  4. Mark Plays Says:

    this is episode 29 guys you didn’t miss anything

  5. jimmyvbuck Says:

    Yeah that drill is already driving me nuts

  6. Blackwido11 Says:

    To all the morons calling this “Episode 29″ because it’s “the same on
    Zisteau’s Channel”. Wipe the dirt out of your eyes because Zisteau’s
    episode 29 =/= Etho’s Episode 30. Etho simply skipped one episode so if you
    would like to view it click on Zisteau’s episode 29… My god.

  7. John Python Says:

    Why must you keep your dyes on while trying on vanity items I am freaking
    dying over here!

  8. anothermcfan Says:

    i never knew it left mushrooms in it’s trail… that thing is OP they
    should make it do a bit more damadge (just hear me out) and create another
    legendary weapon chest in the dungeon for the mushroom biome that contains
    the mushroom spear. of course you would get the legendary key the same way
    as all the others.

  9. michaelPC427 Says:


  10. FlameSwordedLink Says:

    Apparently the two comments below me didn’t read the description.

  11. Gage Fisher Says:

    Get glow sticks they go under water and kill jelly fish

  12. Hyprogaming Says:

    hmmmm… where is episode 29?

  13. Brenden Gilvear Says:

    temple key drops from plantera a hard mode boss and the temple key is also
    used for opening the jungle temple where you battle the golem

  14. Mandlize Says:

    The wizard hat!!!!

  15. mikkel jochimsen Says:

    12:45 ther is an heart on the left site :-D

  16. Stevie Ruffino Says:

    Where’s #29

  17. DeciTM Says:

    If you want to know which ores are what on your screen, stop where you are
    and fire up the map. Zoom in and mouse over them.

  18. TheCaliger Says:

    I should have gotten this spear! It’s so OP. :0
    I remember being unable to do any good damage to those turtles for a
    loooong time. O _O

  19. Jett Bauman Says:


  20. MustacheMCGaming Says:

    This is episode 29, I saw it on Ethos channel before it disappeared, and 29
    is this on Zisteas

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