Tekkit: Episode 17 – Gem of Eternal Density! [Minecraft Mod]

Tekkit: Episode 17 - Gem of Eternal Density! [Minecraft Mod]Don’t forget to thumbs up the video! Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Server: beastcraftserver.com Forum: forums.brenybeast.com Livestream www.twitch.tv Website: brenybeast.com Put “Vans” in your comment, if you read the description!

Filed under BrenyBeast : Comments (20) : Oct 22nd, 2012

20 Responses to “Tekkit: Episode 17 – Gem of Eternal Density! [Minecraft Mod]”

  1. alex cubi Says:

    make a MASS FABRICATOR and start making uu-matter and then iridium and them make quantum suit

  2. henrijs veinbergs Says:

    your smart:):D

  3. Max Micallef Attard Says:

    Make a cheaty blaze farmer

  4. emily stewart Says:


  5. Rafael stjernen eriksen Says:


  6. JamesVidi123 Says:

    when your diamond armour is almost broke chuck it in the red matter chest to speed it up


    Also once you make red matter amro and the morning star and katar
    Make the infernal armor

  8. Jason Rose Says:

    Mate, Keep up the bloody good work, loving every single bits of your videos!
    Keep it up Breny!

  9. Thanatos6669 Says:

    upgrade the destruction catalyst

  10. CreatureCarl Says:

    Breny if you make red matter armor make the gem armor it takes the red matter armor plus the rings and makes them one like search hurricane boots

  11. 2434basketball Says:


  12. snowydog tintin Says:

    Make the laser now breny. Now.
    And make as nuclear reactor (don’t put cooling cells in it) next to your cow farm to make your cows be hyped up :) and make sure you put some combustion engines around too, don’t put water in them lolz :)

  13. babycrft il Says:

    Breny dig under the ice and then break it and the water are will gone

    like it so Breny can see this :)

  14. TheIrontic Says:

    Berny you need to make a Emc the fun way. I saw it from yogscastlalna you should watch it berny. You get diamonds by second. It would’t count as you coping him cause no one copied anyone

  15. kristi Brooks Says:


  16. HerroBoiis Says:

    get carbon plate armour, it’s cheap and better then red matter..

  17. TheIrontic Says:

    You just want his world to be destroyed.
    Lasers: Takes over 600k emc. They run out of power fast
    Nuclear Reactor: Takes alot of resources and does huge explosion.
    Combustion Engines: useful but evil.
    Cows can’t be hyped by Nuclear Power

  18. Edison Zheng Says:

    But he obviously needs help, he can just look at the important videos that show him the basics…

  19. Nian21600 Says:

    Make a black hole band and put it in your alchemy bag. Then put the gem of eternal density in the alchemical bag also. As you mine everything will go into the alchemy bag and be transformed into red matter.

  20. Billy North Says:

    Vans :-0

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