Stonehearth Alpha 6 Preview! (Gameplay / 1080p 60fps)

Stonehearth Alpha 6 Preview! (Gameplay / 1080p 60fps)Let’s play Stonehearth! In this episode, we look at an early build of Alpha 6 and preview some of the new features like RPG’ish leveling and class perks, building templates, new crops, new…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Nov 18th, 2014

20 Responses to “Stonehearth Alpha 6 Preview! (Gameplay / 1080p 60fps)”

  1. Zorro9129 Says:

    It irritates me that in these sorts of games a modest
    garden can support a small village, whereas in real
    life it takes one or two acres to feed a family.

    Happy birthday to Minecraft Mom!

  2. Sergi Martín Says:

    8:30 OMG! Punch wood is a communist settlement!

  3. Kirt Gartner Says:

    and by hermit he is making a shot out to gennyb XD

  4. paulsoaresjr Says:
  5. 2118PWLily Says:

    Tomorrow is also my brothers birthday xD

  6. PerishingFlame Says:

    this game looks like cube world made into a different system.
    200 dollars says it gets abandoned soon. 

  7. el chuchu adventure Says:

    Say to your wife that a random comment said happy birthday. 

  8. Canyon Lynn Says:

    Happy Birthday minecraft mom!

  9. abhomination Says:

    Happy Birthday Mrs.Punchwood!!!! May the kids and Paul (a big kid really)
    give you a day of peace and quit with not 1 “Hey MOM or Hun!!!! :)

  10. Zapper Man Says:

    I can’t wait for this game to be completed!

  11. socrates hwang Says:


  12. EvanaBison Head Says:

    FIRST! Great video Paul!

  13. Sapphire Crook Says:

    You should stop making even-number fields. Since they’re alternating rows,
    making another one directly adjacent increases your crop density and stops
    them from making useless empty rows.
    Unless those rows help increase the fertility of the land, but I wouldn’t
    know about that. 

  14. Inesh Pandi Says:

    paul, u should play on midcrack now theres no world border so as much
    exploring as last season?

  15. Robert Rodriguez Says:

    i assume that there is a level cap for the jobs but what is it

  16. Justallinoneresource Says:

    Man, you know it, never forget. So true, happy wife equals a happy life!

    Nice video Paul!

  17. CoruptionCannon ZETA Says:

    happy b-day Paul’s wife! :D

  18. P Howes Says:


  19. ChiaroscuroxX Says:

    Get your wife a vidya for her birthday :P

  20. Creeper_Ian02 Productions Says:

    This looks AWESOME!! Do you plan on doing a lets play anytime soon? Or was
    it an idea thrown out. I am looking into getting it, and I would love to
    see some more playing before getting it!

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