Starbound Unstable Update is Here!

Starbound Unstable Update is Here!Let’s play Starbound “Unstable” build! In this episode, I’ll show you how to get the Unstable build, which includes all of the “nightly” updates from the past year or so! We also take a peek…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Dec 21st, 2014

20 Responses to “Starbound Unstable Update is Here!”

  1. paulsoaresjr Says:
  2. Cody Kin-Claw Says:

    Yes! for some reason I’ve wanted to see Paul’s Steam and see how many games
    he has, 312. Thats alot of games xD

  3. TheOmegaNexas Says:

    What if you have a pirated copy how do you update it then?

  4. Austin K. Says:

    I personally prefer the nightly build, because it had most of all the
    features for the winter update already included before unstable update
    rolled out and it will be further ahead of the unstable build (most of the

  5. Anon Rahman Says:

    paul I don’t know y but your channel got boring, i didn’t click ur channel
    for like a year or so i think you need to up your game like do a video or
    do a minecraft thing like 2 videos each day or 1 your choice so plz i want
    to be amuzed

  6. David English Says:

    Sweet but is it more laggy because in Windows 8 it’s already a bit laggy

  7. PGW Chaos Says:

    If I remember right one of the races has a underwater city in the Ocean

    Good to hear that there will be a new stable update coming soon. Can’t wait
    until they get to the point were you can upgrade the size of your ship.

  8. Whitestar_274 Says:

    I’ve been looking at the comments, glad to see you interact with your
    audience Paul! Also, thanks for showing how to play “beta” in a game, I’ve
    been wondering how to play the beta Unturned for a while. Thanks!

  9. Jennifer Martin Says:

    Are you going to play starbound again

  10. animatedbird Says:

    Is this game better than terraria? I know they are by the same devs and I
    already have terraria but should I get it?

  11. John smith Says:

    I figure that you just might as well wait the few weeks until it’s stable
    to start the let’s play. I’m really looking forward to it though. I just
    figure that you should wait until it’s stable to start it.

  12. Ferhad Semseddinli Says:

    I think you are aiming 12 year old audience… if not why do we have to be
    confused? /rant

  13. Showmetotheexit Says:

    Yeah, I think ya should make a Unstable LP and what happens happens when
    the Stable one comes out. 

  14. bobbobkilu Says:

    Camp fire on wood platforms, great idea there paul.

  15. Courantha Says:

    4:49 Paul- “(reading) free as a bird.” Me- (singing) ‘Cause I’m as freeee
    as a biiiird now, and this biiird you cannot chaaaaange whooooa XD

  16. Starbounder Says:

    hey PSJ, if you could have any new species, based on something in real
    life, what would you have? Personally, I think a humanoid dog creature like
    the egyptian gods

  17. JordonFreemon325 Says:

    This game certainly looks fun! For a while going into it and playing around
    will be fine even if you lose characters. But after a while it’ll be pretty
    annoying, I’m sure. I can’t wait until they make sure you don’t have to
    lose characters, if that’s a possibility.

  18. knight654654 Says:

    Start on the stable branch, just incase Sir Paul.

  19. TobeZ Says:

    It’s about time…

  20. StormyLaura H Says:

    9:15 Oh, PSJ! You’re so silly :D

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