Starbound – Episode 8: New Dimension

Starbound - Episode 8: New DimensionStarbound is here! Follow along with me in my adventure as I journey through the unknown universe of Starbound. This game offers incredible levels of randomi…

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Dec 31st, 2013

20 Responses to “Starbound – Episode 8: New Dimension”

  1. Anton Carlsson Says:

    What does HQ stand for?

  2. Sam Kellum Says:

    Salvaged not scavenged.

  3. Ghost8919 Says:

    Same layout, different map? Sounds like Call of Duty.

  4. George Cartwright Says:

    Etho’s such a scavager :)

  5. Kinla Says:

    On that desert planet where them melons are, the trees make rainbow planks
    also that ending..haha XD

  6. SpaceCowFilms Says:

    Make a star bound server!

  7. TheCreepyCreepster Says:

    1:53 lol creeper

  8. Jibber Seven Says:

    Is it just me, or does his ship look like a Dalek, if a Dalek was a snake. 

  9. ricky m Says:

    Nice creeper face

  10. tylo901 Says:

    etho the tents heal you

  11. Zias Vialva Says:

    It’s a meteor shower just added

  12. Alec Hopson Says:

    The best way to end the episode

  13. VulcanoGaming Says:

    That song you played, it was the song played when Neil Armstrong landed on
    the moon, it was the “epic music” for “the epic achievement” !

  14. WholesaleVirus' Compendium Says:

    You can place your “Cold Weather” clothes in the slots next to the armor.
    Same benefits and cosmetics, but able to wear good armor too.

  15. Fred Bloggs Says:

    Hi etho, just wondering what you think of the new youtube changes and if it
    has affected your video :P keep up the great content, you’re doing great

  16. rusty anvile Says:

    at ~15:00 you were combining salvaged and scavenged so you were saying

  17. lalalandd123 Says:


  18. Armitige Shanks Says:

    All “universes” in Starbound are essentially the same. Including down to
    the planet types and levels. The only random elements are what mobs live on
    the planet, the loot found in containers, and what blocks appear as
    terrain, possible the ore distribution from what I can tell so far. But you
    can delete your universe folder and start a new game, you will find all the
    same stuff (ie. dungeons/high tech chests, underground feature) at the same
    universe coordinates, you should find another high tech chest with a pulse
    jump in it in the same place you found the last one.

  19. TheHarvster321 Says:

    It’s scavenged

  20. PsiQss Says:

    Lol’d so hard at the ending xD

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