Starbound – Episode 5: Cute & Fluffy Evil Alien Penguins

Starbound - Episode 5: Cute & Fluffy Evil Alien PenguinsStarbound is here! Follow along with me in my adventure as I journey through the unknown universe of Starbound. This game offers incredible levels of randomi…

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Dec 12th, 2013

20 Responses to “Starbound – Episode 5: Cute & Fluffy Evil Alien Penguins”

  1. Atte Backman Says:

    Hey Etho! You got poisoned from the green water!

  2. XSnowShockX35 Says:

    This is now my 3rd favourite game and i haven’t even brought it yet i cant
    wait Great video Etho 

  3. eraggo Says:

    green water poisons you

  4. Deus Rex Says:

    Etho, those crates in that abandoned mine shaft thing you were getting
    items from are really good for storage, much better than chests. Just so
    you know.

  5. Kalle Jillheden Says:

    Some already commented on it, but the + and – on the map represents your
    mouse where you zoom out with right click

  6. XMultiKiller Says:

    it cost 1 fuel to go from a plant to a moon or a moon to moon ect it costs
    more to get to somewhere in your solar system or to a new galaxy

  7. spudd86 Says:

    Why didn’t you bring your crafting stuff?

  8. Benjamin Bell Says:

    On the star map, right click is zoom out and left click is zoom in. The
    reason why you couldn’t land on some planets was because they were gas
    planets. You cant land (yet) on gas planets.

  9. Markus Wayne Says:


  10. CYANIDE Adiccted Says:

    Anyone else notice the creeper face under the house?

  11. saar schwartz Says:

    when you step in the green water you get poison you and every time you
    step agin you getting more poison 

  12. Mhippz Says:

    no more quests etho, sorry bud

  13. Nikki Santos-Sanchez Says:

    Etho stop stepping on poisonous water puddles!

  14. annoy4nce648 Says:

    a sector is a galaxy, right click to zoom out

  15. heyitsthejster1 Says:

    I find it odd that Etho really is my best buddy in the whole world even
    though 1) i never seen his face 2) do not know a lot about him. 

  16. Kinada Says:

    You should gather all the coal you see, you will need a lot of it. Iron as
    well pulls double duty.

    The plus and minus are indicating what each of the mouse buttons do, right
    click to zoom out.

    Remember to bring all your crafting equipment with you.

  17. Philip Pillow Says:

    That isn’t water it’s toxic

  18. Skyler King Says:

    Etho you NEED to operate out of your ship, you’ve stranded yourself on a
    very hostile planet and you will need to gather more coal to go back and
    get your metalwork station from your home planet. It’s a really good thing
    you set it as your home. Otherwise you’d need to learn about coordinates
    and the fact that there are billions of planets (not exaggerating) 

  19. DietBlood Says:

    the pink eyeball trees are blazing it

  20. Julian Piccolo Says:

    Etho why don’t you make some silver armor since you found so much and by
    the the way the green liquid was poisoning you not the slime blocks 

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