Slide-show: Time traveling!

Slide-show: Time traveling!This video I show off all the pictures from my trip in slide-show form. I used the best, non-copy right music I had available so feel free to mute it and play something good in the back-ground. Anyway, the pictures are of my trip in general but it has tons of pictures from the renaissance festival. Not all the pictures are great but I took alot of pictures of the buildings for ideas in minecraft

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Filed under Tyken132 : Comments (20) : Mar 23rd, 2012

20 Responses to “Slide-show: Time traveling!”

  1. TheMrThundarr Says:

    Will you be posting more now that you’re back? Also hope you had fun it was worth the wait when i saw that you had a good time.

  2. TheElraro13 Says:

    why you arent doin
    videos of minecraft

  3. Tyken132 Says:

    >.> no no, was just wearing shorts and an NAU shirt.

  4. Tyken132 Says:

    I plan to be posting a vid a day if I can help it.

  5. Tyken132 Says:

    ^- this.

  6. Tyken132 Says:

    o.o that sounds amazing! they didn’t have one as far as I could tell but that sounds amazing.

  7. dirtdawg2k Says:

    wear do u live that seemed like Arizona.

  8. Mikester0503 Says:

    Haven’t been a minecraft vid for a while……l

  9. Tyken132 Says:

    Well, I can’t use anything good unless I have the rights to it, sadly.

  10. BlackAddictz Says:

    @Tyken132 Haha, I was just kidding friend ;)

  11. xXC00KI3M0NST3R12Xx Says:

    Nope Arizona i was there

  12. Tyken132 Says:

    That was Arizona, I Was on vacation.

  13. Tyken132 Says:

    The first picture was at the texas airport. I stopped to get breakfast and they had an amazing window.

  14. ClimbinGuru123 Says:

    yod yes ye yary yentlemen im about to blow your mmmmmmmmmmmm-iiiiiiiioinnnnnnnndddddd

  15. TheElraro13 Says:

    You have a servers when you goin to your server to be there with you tyken

  16. imMundy Says:

    hes just got BACK!!!!

  17. werty1432k Says:

    when is your next lets play?

  18. TobiNano Says:

    Did u meet any Creepers ?

  19. Tyken132 Says:

    I’m glad everyone enjoyed them.

  20. Tyken132 Says:

    Duh, been on vacation. New one tomorrow.

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