Skyrim TV – E37 Broken Fang Cave (Role-Play, 1080 HD)

Skyrim TV - E37 Broken Fang Cave (Role-Play, 1080 HD)Subscribe to Skyrim TV for more ROLE-PLAY adventure in 1080 HD! Play-through of Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim with lightly role-played commentary. Follow Helgraf Frosthammer, the last of the fabled “dragonborn”, on an epic journey through the lands of Skyrim. ESRB Warning: This title is rated “M” for Mature Audiences BLOG: TWITTER FACEBOOK: YOUTUBE: FAQ VIDEO: Tags: yt:quality=high the elder scrolls V skyrim bethesda dragonborn walkthrough playthrough gameplay skyrim intro paulsoaresjr tutorial role-playing game “The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim” “Bethesda Softworks” whiterun “dragon shout” “dragon soul” dragon “skyrim vampire” “broken fang cave”

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Mar 1st, 2012

20 Responses to “Skyrim TV – E37 Broken Fang Cave (Role-Play, 1080 HD)”

  1. RTesta3 Says:

    @ghostsniper204 lol ghost it’s classic comedy as monty python and the holy grail.

  2. benanimi Says:

    This series is one of my favorites.

  3. aaddaammize Says:

    Thumbs up if you think Paul should turn up the difficulty for Skyrim? His enemies seem to go down way too fast.

  4. TheEnglishTeaBag Says:

    Can u put skyrim on a little longer and more vids pls :)

  5. TehNoob1096 Says:

    hmm… even vampires wear panties

  6. bobtehlepa Says:

    Did Lydia shoot the sprigen in the knee? :3

  7. thegamingmasters100 Says:

    I’ve subscribed to you all ready

  8. RandomEnchilada Says:

    @EllyPro Fast traveling without discovering places already isn’t in the spirit of role-play, atleast in my opionion I’ll fast travel to places I’ve visited.

  9. Courantha Says:

    it only flashed by for a moment, but as you were leaving the cave it said that you could pick up a human heart O_o

  10. bioleech Says:

    Join the imperials paul. i know that u would rather the stormcloaks, but the legion is better for skyrim and tamriel in the long run

  11. platoonutzeyz Says:

    Even vampires wear panties… interesting.

    I lol’ed.

  12. MrComambo Says:

    Paul, never stop doing skyrim tv

  13. kokaska71 Says:

    lol slowly Paul when you are picking a lock :D

  14. ghostsniper204 Says:

    lol paul its knight silent k night as night time its a midevil c-

  15. TheJawsRevenge Says:

    Paul vampires arte weak to fire and resistant to frost and ice! -.-“

  16. domin8or100 Says:

    i was just at the same place a minute ago but i had 3 giants and 5 mammoths chasing me!
    I eventually killed them all, after 5 reloads…

  17. fewd1 Says:

    Maybe it is for the best if paul just fast traveled. It took me about 89 hours to complete all the major storylines of the game and i did use fast travel and all that. Paul should use fast travel to avoid needing hundreds of hours to experience all the content of Skyrim.

  18. jerrykim16 Says:

    why don’t you fast travel?

  19. LunarVlog Says:

    @EllyPro Paul doesn’t like fast travel

  20. RTesta3 Says:

    @miranda1120301208 He’s playing the character he’s playing. In any case, he zapped a reluctant skeleton and healed himself in this episode.

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