Skully is Hungry! – Minecraft Hermitcraft #12

Skully is Hungry! - Minecraft Hermitcraft #12SUBSCRIBE to MONKEYFARM: Follow me on Twitter (MCmonkeyfarm): My Customiized John Smith RESOURCE/TEXTURE…

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Filed under monkeyfarm : Comments (20) : Nov 21st, 2013

20 Responses to “Skully is Hungry! – Minecraft Hermitcraft #12”

  1. DKDoctorious Says:

    Couldn’t you do a timer that pops up the obsidian (would change it to coal
    block or so…) for your parkour? So tthat they are lowered and not
    spawnable when nobody enters the mouth.

  2. Darkside De La Luna Says:

    How about replacing the torches next to the elevator and the ones down the
    mine with redstone torches? The lighting would be perfect for what you’re
    going for, also I’ve recently changed my brightness settings to moody when
    using the John Smith texture pack and my goodness does it set a new mood to
    the game.

  3. Mason Neve Says:

    monkeyfarm, you should make it so there is a half slab on the bottom of
    each jump, and a pillar of signs and on the surface there is a carpet. the
    slab underwater prevents spawning and the carpet isn’t on a block so no
    mobs can spawn on the carpet.

  4. Citu2 Says:

    I could only think of one thing when you filled the bottom with water:
    Styx, like the mythological river? I feel as if you should completely ditch
    the stepping stone thing and make it a boat thing like Charon’s boat ride
    sailing dead souls across Styx into Hades? You know, because it’s a skull..
    like the dead? Just a suggestion. Love your work!

  5. TribbsEnfanyt Says:

    I’d have to say Monkeyfarm, it’s been a long time since I watched some
    Youtubers, the last time I watched you, you were still making the potions
    room in your LP. You’re still entertaining as ever.

  6. ciacholud Says:

    you could make a piston based contraption that would push out or hide the
    obsydian blocks when you stepped on a presure plate. you could connect it
    to a clock that would hide the blocks automatiacy.

  7. DrAaronWeir Says:

    Whenever that Black Horse is in your peripheral vision I think it’s a
    spider and I think you’re gunna get killed :P

  8. YouthfulGamer Says:

    I think this will fix all of your problems
    If you don not want mobs getting in your elevator why dont you light that
    obsidian frame and create a portal, if a mob wants to get near the elevator
    it will go to HELL.
    And plus it will give you light so you will be able to cross the parkour
    with no trouble.

  9. Yusuf Yaldiz Says:

    Imagine monkeyfarm playing on the mindcrack server!

  10. kingdaddydmac Says:

    dude, we gotta get this team USA stuff goin!

  11. Desert Foxchild Says:

    Will mobs spawn on Lilly Pads MF?
    You could use those.

  12. kchu0403 Says:

    Instead of the obsidian, you can put redstone lamps with pressure plates on
    them. That way when someone hops through, the cave is temporarily lit up.
    Although, that doesn’t stop mobs from spawning on them..

  13. KemiKaL Wave Says:

    Monkey, Use black stained glass for the eyes and nose because it looks like
    black wool from a distance but you can look through it for windows :)

  14. SexyDexLP Says:

    You should add cobwebs, that would look awesome. And Lava coming out of his
    mouth/nose/eyes :D

  15. osightso Says:

    for the elevator, hook up a t flip flop with buttons at top and bottom
    wired to t flip input, and elevator wired to t flip output, should stay
    activated and can be called up/down by using buttons

  16. aaron cohen Says:

    Make the bottom of the water rougher and at the lowest points put stone
    buttons/ or redstone torch keys on the wall to to open a door to the
    mineshaft, and a door to the “storage/horse room”.

  17. WraShadow Says:

    For the parkour part you can put fence on the ground and a black carpet on
    top of it. According to the wiki, carpets count as invisible blocks so the
    spawning algorythm checks block underneath it. Mobs cant spawn on fences.
    You can use netherbrick fence to make it a bit darker than wood one.

  18. Ethan Vennard Says:

    Use nether rack fences WOTH black carpet on them cuz then they can’t spawn
    on the carpet or the fence and it’s still dark cuz of it being black and
    nether rack it is proven to work like if u agree

  19. xisumavoid Says:

    Skully is Hungry!

  20. Derek Lauer Says:

    Nether brick half slabs might work for your stepping stones… The only
    issue is if you fall off you cant get back up onto them. Just means you
    will have that much more parkour skill.

    Edit: You can get back on half slabs from water! So definitely a viable

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