Portal 2: Perpetual Testing Initiative with JC 001

Portal 2: Perpetual Testing Initiative with JC 001If you find any cool user made levels let me know the level name in the comments! :) Trying out a couple of small player created puzzles!

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Filed under jcvsmc : Comments (20) : May 10th, 2012

20 Responses to “Portal 2: Perpetual Testing Initiative with JC 001”

  1. jcvsmc Says:

    cool ill grab it now :) thanks!

  2. BurntFossil Says:

    …This is going to be a good series…!

  3. CiberwolfX Says:

    Hm i knowtis a really bad lag in fps, is it the vid or me??

  4. jcvsmc Says:

    AAAH now I understand what you guys mean! I like running tho, keeps me fit ^^ haha (ALSO high score boards on portal reward for using LESS portals, so actually my way is better :P) hehe Thanks for explaining more clearly!

  5. bloximonkey Says:

    You need a greater mind at making a map than solving one.

  6. jcvsmc Says:


  7. jcvsmc Says:

    haha its ok i turn chat offline when im recording stuff ^^

  8. anistuffs Says:

    Try the ones made by The Employee of the Month award winner Mevious. He made the amazing mods Portal Pro & Rexaura. I can’t wait to see what awesomeness he makes using this :D

  9. jigarbov Says:

    I made a level too! It’s a bit involved though.

  10. Tamtam18TheCreative Says:

    JC you should try out “12 angry tests” and the very popular collection of test done by mevious. and you should check out my collection as well. “Illogical Testing Initiative”. its a work in progress but it features some really cool glitchs I found.

  11. AwesomenessItself87 Says:

    Oh yeah, I forgot about the high score boards ^^

  12. jcvsmc Says:

    thanks! :) Glad you enjoy my videos!

  13. anistuffs Says:

    I would suggest to turn on the captions in-game so we too can hear what Cave ol’ boy is blabbering about.

  14. UnnaturalPerspective Says:

    John, your one of the few subscriptions I maintain on Youtube that actually keep me interested throughout the video. Well done sir. Keep up the good work.

  15. sladikk Says:

    Aerial Faith Plates are Fun is a good one to try.

  16. AwesomenessItself87 Says:

    On the first puzzle you were supposed to shoot a portal under the cube and over the button that opened the door :P

  17. jcvsmc Says:

    sounds good :D

  18. jcvsmc Says:

    definitely :)

  19. silentclowd Says:

    I love how you didn’t even solve the first puzzle right lol. There was a white surface above the button.

  20. DarthLOL293 Says:

    PHEW, I nearly messaged you on steam when I saw you were playing with this as I was at the same time, I wouldn’t want my steam name published!

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