Mob Lag Busting [Minecraft Myth Busting 70]

Mob Lag Busting [Minecraft Myth Busting 70]Minecraft Myth Busting Playlist â-» In this episode of Lag Busting we look at mobs and find out the differences between.

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Jan 1st, 2015

20 Responses to “Mob Lag Busting [Minecraft Myth Busting 70]”

  1. N-am Nicio Idee de Nume Says:

    Now test every single mob again with invisibility.

  2. RimaNari Says:

    Wow! With every second of the video I can literally feel the enormous
    effort it must have taken to test all of this… Thanks +xisumavoid! The
    information about the impact of particles on blazes could come in very
    handy for me should I decide to use my blaze farm again in the future.

  3. Connor Rowland Says:

    I’ve made a list of mob in order of lag factor

    1.58: Slime
    1.46: Skeleton (with bow)
    1.28: Ghast
    1.25: Iron Golem
    1.14: Mooshroom
    1.11: Endermen (Particles on)
    1.09: Cave Spider
    1.02: Elder Guardian, Horse, Magma cube (Particles on), Rabbit, Spider,
    Squid, Witch & Zombie Pigmen
    0.98: Snow golem
    0.93: Sheep
    0.85: Silverfish & Wither Skeleton (with nothing)
    0.79: Creeper, Wolf & Zombie (with nothing)
    0.73: Cow & Villager
    0.68: Endermite (Particles on), Ocelot & Pig
    0.64 Chicken

  4. ninjakivi2 Says:

    You forgot about 2 things.
    1. – Shaved sheep. Does it make a difference?
    2. Slimes create particles while landing. Turn particles off and test it
    again, because I want to compare slimes with magma slimes, to see if
    textures make any difference.

    Also, Take one mob, like magma slime, and edit it’s textures to be entirely
    white; I wonder if that would make any difference. You might want to make a
    rainbow slime as well ;)

  5. Matchstick1999 Says:

    6:15 thats why my pc went to 10 fps when i spawned 700 dwarves with the
    lotr mod as thye had tones of armour

  6. R3mix Says:

    How come youre still using Java 7 Xisuma?

  7. wizard1399 Says:

    Hey X,
    I noticed that you penned in the enderman using flowing water. I am
    wondering how much of the lag was due to the flowing water. Another
    interesting test would be to see how many player avatars it takes to lag.
    Might be useful information for servers.

  8. Steven Houtzager Says:

    Xisuma, thanks so much for making these episodes! They are really useful,
    fun to watch and its amazing how much time you put in to them! Keep up the
    good work as always!

  9. gamerboy9700 Says:

    Aw man the second I catch up he doesn’t want to do them weekly anymore

  10. String.Epsilon Says:

    I think the sound-distance thing is another example where the game is
    poorly optimized. The code for calculating / making the sounds and the
    rendering code must have some common resources that is not threadsafe. That
    means the sound- and the render code have to wait for each other in turn,
    rather than run (truly) simultaneous. I would actually file that as a bug.
    This slowdown should at least not appear when the game sounds / mob sounds
    are turned off completely, as the thread for making these sounds should not

  11. 【Sp@cE Studi0】咩哥 Says:

    how about the branch mark for the chicken???

  12. kevin wolthuis Says:

    Spawn a slime size 1? no problem. spawn a slime size 100? prepare for lag.
    spawn a slime size 200? crash.

  13. Mula Kulu Says:

    you didn’t test the slime with particles off :,(

  14. GoGoJJTech Hacking Says:

    +xisumavoid This is my first time suggesting an episode actually. I hope
    you read this because it can contribute to a ton of people including

    When you tested villagers I was surprised, mainly because of my encounters
    with villagers and lag. I thought since they had inventories and can trade,
    it’d be a lag causer, but then again, those are only data.

    The reason villagers are tied to lag is villages themselves, the doors and
    areas in which they cover affect all villagers in the radius, and since
    villagers are on a timer to get inside at night, that is an extra process
    the game has to handle.

    I once had 400 villagers in a closed space, and once I added doors and
    defined houses the server got extremely laggy to the point where I killed
    300 villagers and a few golems.

    Overall, I think myth busting needs an episode dedicated to villages, not
    just lag in them. Would that be a good idea? I’m curious to know and so are
    a lot of other people.

  15. Leah Curran Says:

    All your minecraft videos do like 500x better then your different games

  16. xisumavoid Says:
  17. Grant Jones Says:

    When you have 800+ fps, none of this stuff really matters.

  18. Elzear Contelly Says:

    *Hey guys ! I have some things to share ! First a problem that I have
    because of the lag caused by entities and then a think to test)*

    Guy I’ve got a big problem… So if anyone can save me xD
    So in one of my worlds, where I play so much w/ command blocs, I made a
    mistake, and so now I have 10k XPOrb (ok big mistake, I forgot to put
    “@e[type:!XPOrb]” instead of “@e” so …
    Well now it’s a bit laggy (and my computer is not one of the bests ones)
    and I can’t even open the chat to write “/kill @e[type:XPOrb]”…
    So I’m a lil’ bit stuck…

    If you have a thing to help me…

    *also* I think you may test the XPOrb lag, cuz’ I think there made big
    troubles, because of their movment (I mean, the game has to calculate the
    motion w/ the position of the player…)

  19. That Redstoner Says:

    Here’s a few questions:
    1. Do leaves get destroyed when they are next to a slime block which is
    moving? (Because, normally, leaves get crushed by pistons)

    2. Mobs spawn at light levels 7 and below. Does the chance of a spawn
    increase when the level decreases or does it stay the same from levels 7-0 ?


  20. Lox Gameplays Says:

    U forgot bats i think

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