Minecraft Waking Up E36 “Boots of Master Explorer” (Vechs Super Hostile)

Minecraft Waking Up E36 Discuss on Punchwood.com! bit.ly Please take a moment to RATE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE! Thank you! Playthrough of Vechs Super Hostile map “Waking Up”. Vechs made the map for Andrea Buchanan, the NY Times bestselling author, as an extension of her book by the same name. Download the ebook and the map here: andibuchanan.com Background Music by: Kevin Macleod @ incompetech.com Thumbnail artwork by Punchwood.com members GutterQuince and TheOcelot www.punchwood.com www.punchwood.com Get Minecraft here: minecraft.net WEB punchwood.com TWITTER twitter.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com

Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Feb 5th, 2013

20 Responses to “Minecraft Waking Up E36 “Boots of Master Explorer” (Vechs Super Hostile)”

  1. Osvaldas Reika Says:

    Doesn’t work since last update. Now shovel is for sand, axe for trees and pick for stone only

  2. bbruinenberg Says:

    It took you a whole hour? If I wanted I could finish it in less than 5 minutes without creative or cheat mode. I simply use mcedit to put a command block at spawn that teleports me to the white wool and put a command block in the chest. It’s not cheating because you have to get the wool out of a wool chest. And seeing how the command block is in a wool chest I can use it to spawn wool in.

  3. tomjim2000 Says:

    do Fog of Demise by Xekaj and inferno mines when it comes out

  4. TestSubjectEpsilon Says:

    Use the bow more. It’ll save ya time

  5. buggy1680 Says:

    You’ll get Alto of diamonds in inventory wipe horror festabial

  6. 2905blade Says:

    Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom

  7. IncomingVirus97 Says:

    But why would you want to do that it takes all the fun out of the game

  8. sgarr17 Says:

    if an item which isn’t classified as a tool is enchanted with efficiency, it increases the speed of the hand speed block breaking. In short form, they will work amazingly.

  9. GingerBoi81 Says:

    Wow, that was worse than or equal to the dungeon with the silverfish everywhere. Man that was intense. i was even screaming at the computer for the mobs to just die already. But that is so great you found the wool. Yeah, Go Paul. Your Soarviors are all cherring now :)

  10. MrImmortalityPrince Says:

    The thought of Hypixel and Vechs working on a super hostile

  11. 2905blade Says:

    Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom Xcom

  12. bbruinenberg Says:

    Just so you know, a rule about pranking on the mindcrack server is that you don’t upload the prank until the response has been uploaded. This is so you spoil the prank. Just so you know for future video’s(you can make the current prank video private too if you want but he probably is already aware that he is pranked because of people telling him).

  13. liu louis Says:

    Use the diamond boots to mine the sand.

  14. iminecraftbirth Says:

    haha the sand is dancing on 08:46

  15. 2905blade Says:

    But where s Xcom? What happened to Xcom and all that jazz?

  16. Osvaldas Reika Says:

    Paul, don’t hesitate eating golden apples, theyir regeneration is like nothing. It does help, but I mean, golden apples are better food than regular apples when it comes to saturation

  17. Alex Thayne Says:

    its weird how that skeleton was shooting at the creepers so much and actually made one blow up, didnt know that could happen!

  18. Steffon Vance Says:

    Monty Python and the Holy Grail? I loved that movie! Holy hand grenade countdown for wool right?

  19. latedusan Says:

    Paul, you should try to play League of Legends or maybe World of Tanks ;)

  20. MinerMouse2 Says:

    No the boots with efficiency 10 work like a super fast fist. Since you can destroy sand with your fist it would work.

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