Minecraft: Useful Chest Mod – 104 Slot Chests w/ Sorting! + Snapshot and Skin Update!

Minecraft: Useful Chest Mod - 104 Slot Chests w/ Sorting! + Snapshot and Skin Update!Stars, can we get this video to AT least 200 LIKES!? :D Twitter: bit.ly Facebook: on.fb.me Subscribe for FREE: bit.ly Download the mod here: www.minecraftforum.net Credit music was made by a friend of mine, check out his page: www.youtube.com

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Filed under MinecraftUniverse : Comments (20) : Jul 2nd, 2012

20 Responses to “Minecraft: Useful Chest Mod – 104 Slot Chests w/ Sorting! + Snapshot and Skin Update!”

  1. waleedss99 Says:

    Don’t, Because that skin is old and he didn’t create it, he just used it.

  2. ShamusAMS Says:

    x10 030

  3. Tyfi13 Says:

    imagine if you filled a bunch of them completely then blew them all up at once=murdered computer

  4. ImpavidS Says:

    Why do I always fucking see adenfrye4 advertise his channel with his shitty comment with the same idiotic contents in it!

  5. sduderocks62 Says:

    what do you use to record

  6. kristenllb Says:

    Thumbs down for hurting chick D: D:

  7. DuhHellooooo Says:

    Hey MU, im not feeling too well and it would be great it you replied to this comment lol

  8. Lemonzadez Says:

    awesome :o you still in need of mods dude? ive got experience with the job

  9. RatchetandMitch Says:

    Keep the skin I like the old one or make minor changes

  10. TheBakkler Says:

    what pc do you have?

  11. MinecraftUniverse Says:

    Almost done buddy! I need a little RAM upgrade then I should be done! :)

  12. brandansonic Says:

    What about a double useful chest?

  13. supermario2000100 Says:

    You should review better mods, because a 2 minute(or 5, whatever) mod review is much worse than a review of a GOOD mod. I dont want to sound mean but…

  14. debenhamthomas Says:

    Jason, im your bigest fan! Can you please message me? I need to ask you a favour

  15. Lemonzadez Says:

    so hows the progress of releasing the server?

  16. XxtumadrexX26 Says:

    actually it is 13×8 so 104 104×10 1040 slots

  17. jakeacer121 Says:

    208 x 20 = 4160 slots!

  18. ZackAttack670 Says:

    i feel bad for the guy who won the contest lol

  19. Chucktesta steve Says:

    Change the skin your being mean to the guy who made it!!!

  20. jakeacer121 Says:

    thats what the annotation said, genius.

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