Minecraft: Tileable Selection Panel Tutorial

Minecraft: Tileable Selection Panel TutorialThis minecraft tutorial will show you how to build a tileable selection panel (up to 15) which is useful with both basic and advanced redstone! Minecraft: Go…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Jun 24th, 2013

20 Responses to “Minecraft: Tileable Selection Panel Tutorial”

  1. KazeFuu1313 Says:

    This just reminds me of old hermitcraft’s mob spawner. Good times, good times.

  2. MrNingaFilms Says:

    Wow, never thought to see you here.

  3. Roly M Says:

    Hey julian whats up?

  4. SpikeyEared Pichu Says:

    Really helpful and compact! Thank you Xisuma ;-)

  5. Julian Rodriguez Says:

    Putting a repeater would make it not tile able because you would have space in the pattern… Right?

  6. SkorpioSound Says:

    You should really set the weather to clear for 1000000 seconds so you don’t have to have that command block on a clock! :P

  7. Filip V Says:

    Problem sooolved.

  8. mrlego1337 Says:

    Why would that matter? Why would a redstone current need to go back down the reset line back to the button. It wouldn’t be separating the modules from each other, just the first few blocks of the reset line so the signal can reach further.

  9. Koala_Steamed Says:

    Could you use a 2 way repeater to make this more than 15? I need something like this that does 26 inputs for my word processor. You could also use this to make a really compact D flip flop :)

  10. thomasowens2000 Says:

    I love it when someone asks a question about another youtuber expecting no answer then the youtuber himself just pops in and replies.

  11. MajesticalMrMagikarp Says:

    Please don’t name anyone, you’ll get a bunch of butthurt Sky fanboys, I’m a fan of Sky, but try not to name anyone, or, like I said, you’ll get butthurt fanboys.

  12. Fiddler455 Says:

    Just skip the redstone torches on the back to do that I think.

  13. faycalmenouar Says:

    i don’t hate sky , his videos are fun , i hate his army … stop calling GOLD butter lol it’s annoying .

  14. Chasn555 Says:

    Very easy and helpful :)

  15. 247flashgames Says:

    If you don’t want the blink, couldn’t you use a wooden button?

  16. NxD136 Says:

    Nice random bit at the end… Love your vids! You are awesome!

  17. Jl9830 Says:

    Can you do a tour of your world?

  18. Shadow4707 Says:

    Happens sometimes. :D

  19. MrBigCowMC Says:


  20. 10nailsMC Says:

    To stop the output lamp from blinking, I believe you’d be able to replace the stone button with a wooden one as it stays powered longer.

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