Minecraft – Small Cottage

Minecraft - Small CottageMinecraft – Small Cottage The Minecraft Inspiration Series! Get your daily dose of ideas! Share the love on it and hug the like button! Shaders for 1.7.2 Tut…

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Filed under Keralis : Comments (20) : Feb 13th, 2014

20 Responses to “Minecraft – Small Cottage”

  1. Keralis Says:

    Enjoy everybody! In around 2 hours there will be some Hermitcraft. :) 

  2. Frapperdk Says:

    Totally Awesome video!!!
    I’ve also got a Minecraft channel and i want to best as good as i can, so i
    you have some time please let me know what i can do better to become not a
    good but a Great Youtuber in the minecraft community.

  3. SMC0DT Says:

    plz do a tutorial

  4. Mourning Raptor 3 Says:

    How do playerheads work? I know they aren’t on the 360 which is what I
    have, but I’m curious. Is it a mod?

  5. haz908MCSG Says:

    Keralis it’s called side burns.

  6. Buttdischarge Says:

    Very smexy house!

  7. Funominul Edits Says:

    i prefer b dupble, shifty is boring

  8. arron tomkins Says:

    that house is so cool

  9. Adam Marks Says:

    when are you going to start using shaders in hermitcraft

  10. Repsej11 Says:

    Yeat the 300 viewer!

  11. J Vilander Says:

    Keralis sounds like my cat :3

  12. philip brazendale Says:

    DO MORE RUSTIC plz :)

  13. ACtennisAC Says:

    Nice vid bud =)

  14. Hershey Kiss Says:

    I receive some really cool ideas from these videos. I can’t believe what
    people come up with on Minecraft. Everyone’s things are so different, and
    I’ve truly come to understand there is a lot that you can do in this world
    game of Minecraft.

  15. Essence l ZeN Ess Says:

    Also is creative down?

  16. Titantron Mhd Says:

    all your videos are great and funny

  17. Stefan Lim Says:

    That’s called a sideburn

  18. Joshua Erbek Says:

    I like it

  19. FamasFTW98 Says:

    The hare coming down by your ears are called sideburns

  20. TraditionallyCurious Says:

    Absolutely LOVE your let’s builds and inspiration episodes Keralis! :D!!!
    all of the builds you show are incredible!

    Both you and Sjin Inspired me to go and and create my own LETS BUILD
    series! :DDD

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