Minecraft – Ruins Of The MindCrackers 2: Episode 7

Minecraft - Ruins Of The MindCrackers 2: Episode 7I’ve teamed up with Pause and Beef to take on Ruins Of The MindCrackers #2, a CTM map featuring many of the builds of the MindCrack server. The goal is to fi…

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Jul 29th, 2013

20 Responses to “Minecraft – Ruins Of The MindCrackers 2: Episode 7”

  1. Kalan Howse Says:

    It’s not nationalised…

  2. youdontneedtoknowmyrealname Streifel Says:

    That guy is wrong the g in gif stand for graphics

  3. minecraftjoash Says:

    everyone here join EminentCraft its the best server ive know plus its cracked and we have friendly staff and my IGN is joash_3 so when you hop on say hi

  4. Samir Miah Says:


  5. mustachesrcool Says:

    you guys need to put the heads in the monument for the loot

  6. Maxiiboi03 Says:


  7. Icantthinkofanameman Says:

    i was wondering do any of the mindcrackers know who etho’s real life person is?

  8. MichaelW4x Says:

    Hahaha, Etho.
    Beef: “I feel like I’m the mature one here”
    Etho: “Yeah, probably” as he breaks Pause’s bridge.

  9. proproduction371 Says:

    Are u going to upload sethbling a map u played block v zombies

  10. kadek gaul Says:

    Etho got from the most death to the least

  11. VictiniPTD Says:

    But Etho said it was pronounced Gif, so its Gif.

  12. mustachesrcool Says:

    FACE PALM sorry that Actually does work

  13. TheJaguarthChannel Says:

    Dr. Who reference!

  14. Blake Emerson Says:

    australian people suck…. haha jk just want to make them all mad

  15. mustachesrcool Says:

    Thats wrong. A g can make a j sound but a j cant make a g sound. test it.

  16. Hawtin99 Says:

    That’s just what he said?

  17. PaulFrickinGaming Says:

    UGH etho is august another slow month for you? :(

  18. Peter Bull Hove Says:

    Hey, Genny! You could for future UHCs have it where when someone dies the new bedrock-walls spawn further in, making the arena smaller. You could probably get seth to write a mcedit filter using spawners to do that. Thay way people would be afraid to be close to the walls and move closer to the centre as a result. And in the end when there is few people left it would end a little quicker.

  19. GraverFILMS Says:


  20. 5656samuel Says:

    I watched the news and it put me in a bad mood lol

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