Minecraft: Noteblock Door Key (Quick) Tutorial

Minecraft: Noteblock Door Key (Quick) TutorialThis minecraft tutorial will show you how to use a DUD (Data Update Detector) to use a noteblock block to activate a door, which could be used for more than …

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Aug 22nd, 2013

20 Responses to “Minecraft: Noteblock Door Key (Quick) Tutorial”

  1. xisumavoid Says:

    This tutorial was not for the door mechanism you’ll have too look up another tutorial for explanation on how to build a door :-)

  2. jellyfishsqishy Says:

    some infinity’s can be bigger than other such as the infinity of decimals compared to the infinity of whole numbers :)

  3. xisumavoid Says:

    an hour? i dont keep track

  4. xisumavoid Says:

    Nice marks video was at the beginning of may :P

  5. xisumavoid Says:

    Its the Jeb door

  6. xisumavoid Says:

    How many did u think it would take?

  7. NiceMarkMC Says:

    DvirWi did not invent it.

  8. NiceMarkMC Says:

    Incorrect. Just so you know, my comparator BUD video was published two weeks before yours.

  9. xisumavoid Says:

    Its always a rough day with tutorials :P

  10. tggt00 Says:

    2-3 takes..

  11. NiceMarkMC Says:

    It is the last rename, I promise! :/ I just find it more correct to call it the comparator update detector since it detects comparator updates.

  12. Prana Adiwira Says:

    The most fastest jeb door is that.

  13. Fang Kai Sheng Says:

    Really nice job and keep up the great work of your amazing videos Xisuma! I especially loved this design on the DUD switch. It is going to be so useful! :)

  14. beewyka819 Says:

    You saying derpd reminds me of Keralis :)

  15. xisumavoid Says:

    I’ve been uploading for almost 2 years ;-)

  16. xisumavoid Says:

    No idea why, youtube must of derpd!

  17. xXoverrageXx Says:

    How do I post a comment ( yeah get your head around that)

  18. TheLegendAdventure Says:

    41 takes. Still came out really good. Nuce job!

  19. xisumavoid Says:

    With a redstone signal ;-)

  20. xisumavoid Says:

    Nice marks video outdates RI’s

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