Minecraft Myth Busting 08 What Does Fortune Work On?

Minecraft Myth Busting 08 What Does Fortune Work On?bit.ly | Get notified of all my uploads This episode i do some testing to clear up the air on exactly what fortune works on and with what tools. —————————————————————————————————————- Want to support my channel? ▏ Subscribe bit.ly ▏ Donate bit.ly ▏ Twitter bit.ly ▏ Facebook on.fb.me ▏ Livestream bit.ly —————————————————————————————————————-

Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Oct 1st, 2012

20 Responses to “Minecraft Myth Busting 08 What Does Fortune Work On?”

  1. Chazstic Says:

    Look up “Minecraft Mythbusting: Leaf Decay” by st3venau, he tests it.

  2. MaxxOri Says:

    Fortune does not affect pumpkins.

  3. Alan Jones Says:

    Yeah – but I was actually talking about a regular tool that someone might be carrying around in their inventory; such as a pickaxe; sword, axe etc. I was more thinking about a basic “starter” farm than something advanced using pistons. I have several slime chunks near my base but I haven’t turned them into slime farms yet so only have a half-dozen sticky pistons that I’ve used on other projects. I hope I’ve made my original post a bit more clearer?

  4. aquamilotic Says:

    Lol dude i was just joking around
    I knew what you meant…

  5. Matthew Ross Says:

    I got that, I didn’t see that he put a reply………

  6. monkeybee11 Says:

    TRUE!!! but but but this video is a bout fortune not silktouch so :P

  7. Kwin van der Veen Says:

    I was wondering if it would be possible to make more glowstone from glowstone using a fortune tool.
    Normally glowstone would drop 2 to 4 dust, not sure if each amount has the same chance. But if so, then on average you would get 3 dust/block (no fortune) and therefore you probably did the test with (54/3=) 18 blocks. This would lead to an average drops per block with fortune of (66/18=) 3.667 dust/block. Therefore you can’t make more glowstone from glowstone, but was the max dust/block still 4?

  8. MaxxOri Says:

    In a siege, if the conditions are correct, zombies can spawn in a village regardless of light level – even inside houses.

  9. MaxxOri Says:

    Fire doesn’t spread to other netherrack blocks but fire on those blocks can still spread to other flammable blocks (like wool, wood, etc.)

  10. MaxxOri Says:

    I can confirm it. Its in the game code so it really isn’t a myth, its a fact.

    Though I’m sure Xis may do a video on it at some point. :)

  11. MaxxOri Says:

    They do not. However in 1.4 the Witch is able to use potions to regenerate health. Both the Wither and the Enderdragon can both also regenerate – but they aren’t exactly regular mobs :)

  12. MaxxOri Says:

    They take damage, which is why they can be agro’ed by it. However the damage value they take is 0, so they don’t take any physical damage.

  13. icewarm2 Says:


  14. ACr4zyMoose Says:

    He has done tests on that and looked in the code and it isnt any different. Hope I helped :)

  15. gilgam35h Says:

    Myth? The wiki states there is a mismatch between where a spawner displays the flame animation and the actual spawning radius – a two block vertical offset, IIRC.
    Valid (still) or no?

  16. vulcanjedimaster Says:

    That’s the rumor, and I don’t believe it. I haven’t been able to confirm it, and neither has anyone else. If you know what these “Correct conditions” are, I’d like to hear them. In any event, I’d like to see it tested and I’d like to know what the code says.

  17. xisumavoid Says:

    Looting only effects mobs, thats in the game code

  18. MaxxOri Says:

    Yes, there is. A 1 in 8 chance of getting anything and a 1 in 32 chance of getting 4. 8 * 32 = 256 so there is indeed 1 in 256 chance of getting 4 chickens from one egg!

  19. MaxxOri Says:

    There is no difference. The game code does not make a distinction between either of those.

  20. MaxxOri Says:

    There is another video in this series that deals with that specific myth.

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