Minecraft Mod | YOUTUBER MOD! (Youtuber Blocks Pt.1) – Minecraft Mod Showcase

Minecraft Mod | YOUTUBER MOD! (Youtuber Blocks Pt.1) - Minecraft Mod ShowcaseIf you’ve enjoyed please leave a ‘Like’ :) It’s much appreciated! Twitter: http://goo.gl/ADXNZ Facebook: http://on.fb.me/KaaEPl â-»Subscribe for FREE: http://bit.ly/LRcjHW â-»MORE MODS – Tools…

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Filed under MinecraftUniverse : Comments (20) : Nov 28th, 2014

20 Responses to “Minecraft Mod | YOUTUBER MOD! (Youtuber Blocks Pt.1) – Minecraft Mod Showcase”

  1. Crazy Kennana Says:

    Setosorcerer is my favorite block.

    I legit think Subzero’s should’ve been invisibility XD 

  2. the0destroyer Says:

    Etho should have chidori

  3. Raj Kaloty Says:

    When is the 2nd part going to be released

  4. Emilio Jacquez Says:

    The diamond

  5. KillaZombie 12 Says:

    The annoying orange block looked like lemongrab from adventure time XD

  6. dutchmaster21374 Says:

    Sky’s item is actually gold, not butter. If you got to the store, every
    butter is a white/cream color, not yellow. Cheese is yellow so it should be
    a block of cheese if anything.

  7. Minecraft Universe Says:
  8. Bailey Glyde Says:

    13:41 YESSSSS +TheCampingRusher 

  9. ARebman25 Says:

    These are not even good youtubers 

  10. Stampyroxs Says:

    My heart stopped when I heard Seto’s name…

  11. Minecraft Universe Says:

    Ughhh been struggling with this internet all week. Sorry for no video
    yesterday.. The cable guy was supposed to come like 4 days ago. Hopefully i
    can get it sorted soon. For now, enjoy this awesome Youtuber Mod! What’s
    your favorite block!?

  12. Nutsnunu Says:

    Also for future reference it’s guude is said with a goo sound not joo :-)

  13. Its Assassin Says:

    SkyDoesMineshaft? Are you feeling alright? You know his name You guys are
    like great friends… actually I dunno anymore with all the stuff happening
    within you guys

  14. Legend Gaming Says:

    Finally first lol

  15. FrenzyGirl22 Says:

    Mine is Thinknoodles. But honestly, I like all of the you tubers blocks.

  16. topminecraft22 Says:

    Am I the only one who realized Jason’s mc user is meant to be true
    minecraft universe hense truemu?

  17. Cat Diaz Says:

    I think I am the only person who gets why CaptainSparklez has a sparkler
    for his special item. 

  18. spongebobmurder Says:

    Jason, what happened? You and Sky used to be great friends. As did
    LogDotZip with Sky. I noticed you still did his block, but you wanted to
    get through it so quickly. Remember when it was just you, Ty, and Sky were
    so friendly towards each other. You guys were best friends as was Seto. It
    was you 3 that started Team Crafted, just for fun. But… Team Crafted soon
    became the downfall of your friendship. Jason, if you are reading this
    (although you are probably not. Just try to bring back the old Team
    Crafted. Where everyone got along.

  19. EliteMC Says:

    Anyone else think huawhi should be in here?

  20. darkhub1 Says:

    Sky. butttttterrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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