Minecraft Mod | ELEMENTAL POWER MOD – Epic Mobs, Weapons, and More! – Mod Showcase

Minecraft Mod | ELEMENTAL POWER MOD - Epic Mobs, Weapons, and More! - Mod ShowcaseRandom Minecraft Mod – http://youtu.be/P2SrIAcjt_o The Elemental Power Mod puts crazy elemental Mobs, Weapons, Souls, and more into your Minecraft World! Are you strong enough to obtain…

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Filed under MinecraftUniverse : Comments (20) : Jun 15th, 2014

20 Responses to “Minecraft Mod | ELEMENTAL POWER MOD – Epic Mobs, Weapons, and More! – Mod Showcase”

  1. Timmy Duncan Says:

    You do good on mods

  2. David McVey Says:

    What’s the version

  3. TheGamerCecil Says:

    Jason, please bring baby truemu back!

  4. Imran Zak Says:

    4:11 zombies making out

  5. Nolan LaDuke Says:

    OK, I just want to know something. Why do certain people say like “First
    view” or ” Third comment'” or “Seventh like?” Can someone please explain to
    me why in the world people do that?

  6. Emir Ammang Says:


  7. Colin B Plays Says:

    Can anyone give me some feedback on my channel pls? Thanks! :)

  8. TheJster80814 Says:

    1st and 10th view

  9. TheGalacticGamer Says:

    Not sure if they spawn naturally,*click* OR NAH

  10. Gygosawesomeworld Says:

    Jason and pat should become friends pat is popularmmo

  11. Karla Says:

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    live code
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    Give it a try,you’ll thank me later!

  12. SoldierDuude Says:

    OMG I’m actually first like and first comment and 5th view 

  13. Minecraft Universe Says:
  14. Adam Hughes Says:

    Omg, I can’t believe I’ve almost caught up to Jason on subscribers! Thanks

  15. GamingFilmzHD Says:

    I am trying to reach 50 subscribers by Monday! Please stop by my channel
    and subscribe! I have a video on how to get free Xbox Live Gold for FREE!
    Also if you see the video and try to do the tutorial make sure to read the
    description! I know I might get alot of hate for this but I just want 50
    Subscribers by Monday please help me out!

  16. Malaa Slatka Says:

    Can you do the more tnt mod :D

  17. Dana Miles Says:

    I once kneW a panda named billy jones he died becAuse he’s a ninja panda,
    and ninja pandas die at the age of 12 , billy jOnes was 12.

  18. Minecraft Zombie Says:

    Sorry for the interruption but I produce call of duty and minecraft videos
    and wonder if you would like to check out my vids if you do please leave a
    suggestion on how I can make my Channel better for you guys

  19. Niclas796LP Says:

    first 10

  20. Mitchell Linthout Says:

    10th or something….

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