Minecraft Mindcrack | S5E8 | Creeper Banner PRANK!

Minecraft Mindcrack | S5E8 | Creeper Banner PRANK!Enjoyed this episode? Don’t forget to leave a LIKE! It really helps my channel and I appreciate it greatly! Thank you! In this episode, we use our new Creeper banner in a Tattoo Parlor build…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Aug 10th, 2014

20 Responses to “Minecraft Mindcrack | S5E8 | Creeper Banner PRANK!”

  1. StickiesOfficial Says:

    Recorded on my husband’s birthday!

  2. Devon Pearce Says:

    Thanks to you I got back in to the game and now im on a mission to get
    every floor.

  3. Zarlem Says:

    My sister says this is a waste of time and I gotta get a life. Hmm… Nah,
    this is my life :3

  4. wackycracker Says:

    Put colored beacons on either side of tiny towers

  5. Sean Supnet Says:

    Who built the stone building on that mountain? 

  6. Felixir Guy Says:

    You should make an armory-thingy, since they added armor stands.

  7. intekhab kazmi Says:


  8. George N Says:

    What happened to man vs minecraft 

  9. Eelis Jalkanen Says:

    This comment is spelled correctly.

  10. Thegoldenhawkproject Says:

    The fire was there so they new wher the lighting struck so now they don’t

  11. CODEC Mr_Minez Says:

    You just screwed up their experiment by putting out the fire. When the
    lightning hits it electrifies the creeper and lights the nether rack which
    indicates that the creeper is charged. Now they don’t know which ones are
    alight. The glass only means that the creeper is owned by someone and
    should it be charged only the owner can use the creeper.

  12. Wendy Ryan Says:

    Use red sandstone stairs for the waiting room

  13. conley warrior Says:

    Your kids are still on summer break?! I’ve been in school for a week now.

  14. Dylan Drake Says:

    Paul! On your tiny tower get a sushi bar and then you get infinite bux!

  15. FaultyGoat Says:

    I don’t think he’s supposed to put out the fires xD

  16. Nathanael Dara Says:


  17. paulsoaresjr Says:
  18. minecraftkid309 Says:

    I don’t think anybody realized this, but the fires at the creeper field
    were to show where the lightning has struck. I hope they can find the right
    creepers again, it looks like there were 3 or 4 charged creepers already.
    Not trying to start up anything, but putting those banners there might
    effect the lighting strikes when it happens. When the lightning strikes, it
    has a chance to strike on top of the banners, and I do not believe that
    will charge the creepers.

  19. Blair Kinsella Says:

    I believe sethbling should shut up

  20. Jibber Seven Says:

    Paul, in case you don’t know, the colored glass determines who’s creeper it
    is. ex. red glass = SethBling

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