Minecraft MADPACK 2 – E05 “A Bug’s Life!”

Minecraft MADPACK 2 - E05 Enjoyed the video? Don’t forget to leave a LIKE! Thank you! Let’s play Minecraft MADPACK 2 modpack! In this episode, we are swarmed by multiple types of biting and stinging bugs! T-shirts:…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Dec 5th, 2014

20 Responses to “Minecraft MADPACK 2 – E05 “A Bug’s Life!””

  1. i Teh Gamur Says:


  2. Kishita Gidwani Says:

    You can kill a Maka and it will drop Maka meat. If you eat cooked maka meat
    it will give you absorption (5 extra hearts) for five seconds so it’s good
    food and you can eat it while you’re fighting..

  3. Donald Burr Says:

    At 8:46 THE SWARM!!!!!! (duh duh duh DUHHHHHHHHHH) … almost jumped out of
    my skin… then almost died laughing at Paul’s reaction, “Uhh… I’m gonna
    eat some peas…”

  4. Aracely Suarez Says:

    paul do more pixelmon

  5. CookieLuver103 Says:

    First liker and commenter!

  6. The Galactic Craft Says:

    i love your vids but can you also try give me a shout out and do more

  7. It's Ang Says:

    I love the chaos! 

  8. Whitestar_274 Says:

    4:34 Probably the most inappropriate thing Paul has ever said… Which is
    unfortunately better than what is said in this time and age…

  9. Ipadtutorials1012 Says:


  10. Lance Armada Says:

    Silverfish are friends, not food!

  11. Tristan Fessler Says:

    Someone needs to do fan art of “The Silverfish Clan”. The most dangerous
    group of monsters in the Dungeon!

  12. Legoboy123 Says:


  13. Garth Peterson Says:

    Love this one Paul, looked like you had fun can wait to see more of this
    modded craziness. I have never played with mods all vanilla so far and have
    watched literally almost every episode of man vs minecraft. I think your
    great. Call me if u need any PDR done im close. Oh and ps, u could dye the
    wolves that u tame a certain collar color so you could designate whos is
    whos. -G. (In game im Mygello ) cant wait to play with ya sometime.

  14. NaelisSimmer Says:

    Death by silverfish. They managed to get you killed again. I am convinced
    your friends are keeping a log of your deaths. There may be betting

  15. The N.M.O-Wolfenout, xpsyph3rx,UltimateDrago Says:

    I love how when there’s trouble it’s every man for himself. Paul is
    blocking himself in their house, Wolv is building walls and Luc is
    screaming hysterically. The Three Amigos. 

  16. paulsoaresjr Says:
  17. Rivah789 - Gaming Says:

    Vechz Would Love This!

  18. Milites98 Says:

    Why do I get the feeling these guys aren’t gonna get very far quickly :D

  19. Slayerlord13 Says:

    Which mod is that “the swarm” thing from?

  20. Infinaut Vids Says:


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