#Minecraft Machinima “Memories”

#Minecraft Machinima Click to sub:bit.ly ———-[You may also Like]——- How to Green screen in Minecraft www.youtube.com Amazing Piston Sandwave www.youtube.com ———-[Connect to MINECRAFTdotNET]———- 2ND CHANNEL:- www.youtube.com TWITTER :- twitter.com FACEBOOK :- www.facebook.com ———— Directors channel: www.youtube.com

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Filed under MINECRAFTdotNET : Comments (20) : Jun 4th, 2012

20 Responses to “#Minecraft Machinima “Memories””

  1. qwaszxedcvfrtgb Says:

    no you stfu you little bitch

  2. popjoe65 Says:

    what the fuck was that…

  3. PickaxeMC Says:

    Emotions.exe Has Crashed

  4. IzidoriuZ Says:


  5. SmoodProduction Says:


  6. Legoman242 Says:


  7. theitube101 Says:

    Dat was sad ;(

  8. hozguler05 Says:

    no im not crying :(

  9. TheRandomGuyNext2You Says:

    Im allowed to share my opinion

  10. snuddjr33 Says:

    he is being mean cause you fucking trolls are being gay if no one cares then why the hell would you reply to it?…. fucking dumb asses

  11. ZzTHEGAMERzZ Says:

    I don’t care why you being so mean to people that obviously don’t care about what you say @qwaszxedcvfrtgb just stated what everyone is thinking THEY DON’T DON’T CARE!

  12. ExtremelyMinecraft Says:

    All you have to do is just apply on their site! Look up how on their Channel! =D Cheers

  13. DodgyDan4 Says:

    I don’t get it. Can someone explain?

  14. a2352359 Says:


  15. TheRandomGuyNext2You Says:

    OK so i said that ive seen this before then everyone just started hating on me saying they don’t care when i never asked if they did.

  16. DarboKraft Says:


  17. 9mminmyhand Says:

    I don’t get it. why is everyone telling you that they don’t care? am I missing something?

  18. snuddjr33 Says:

    then dont fuckin comment you bitch just let it go and stfu

  19. snuddjr33 Says:

    if you dont care then dont fuckin reply to it and be a fucking bitch ass troll

  20. Tyranitar72 Says:



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