Minecraft Lets Play: Episode 17 – To build a better mob trap

Minecraft Lets Play: Episode 17 - To build a better mob trapOk! Finally finished my blaze farm, also included a brief tutorial at the end with some last minute improvements that compact it alot more and make it less bulky. Enjoy! Save File with improved…

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Filed under Tyken132 : Comments (20) : Jun 25th, 2013

20 Responses to “Minecraft Lets Play: Episode 17 – To build a better mob trap”

  1. Caleb Lee Says:

    12:28 thats not solid anuff (thats what she said) lol

  2. dpcgaming Says:

    50k subs yet the vid only has 5 views, thought hed be getting 301 views when vids go up, keep the videos coming Tyk!

  3. bloggi2 Says:

    Some of his subs don’t like FTB (It’s okay in my opinion) because his channel is based on minecraft and all that stuff.

  4. Tyken132 Says:

    how did I not catch that? lol

  5. Xcrasher777 Says:

    its 10 AM At me!

  6. CarnageChicken Says:

    Hey tyken what’s your irl minecraft blocks coming

  7. AGEonPC Says:

    Hey Tyken,
    Awesome video I have been a fan/subscriber of you for quite some time now and I was wondering if my Youtube Inspiration would be able to give me some advice on how to improve my videos. I know this is a long shot but if this got in any way through to you / you subscribers this would mean alot.
    <3 Loyal Subscriber

  8. wolfcraft12 Says:

    Tyken you should go in the server more and that old house of yours I been trying to keep it maintained it been getting easier though

  9. obriens1840 Says:


  10. xenezort Says:

    1) this is my personal oppinion: it changes the game too much and I realy don’t like it
    2) there are alot of other youtubers that do FTB lp’s
    3) I think most people want to see vids about a game that they play theirselfs, and there are way more people who play vanilla than FTB

  11. XqpXGlitchkrewXqpX Says:

    why not?

  12. SPARTANLOL967 Says:

    Sweet! New episode! :D

  13. SnipezYouInTheKnee Says:

    To build or not to build

  14. Caleb Lee Says:

    Lol at 7:12 he used the new villager sound

  15. cacko bela Says:


  16. supertor432 Says:

    Maybe they taste better because of their AWESOMENESS!!!!

  17. cacko bela Says:

    tyken can you do more game dev tycon nad ftb plz and thx

  18. Tyken132 Says:

    Glad you like GDV! As for ftb? totally, as soon as I get it to work.

  19. xenezort Says:

    pls not more ftb!!

  20. RaViNg CiAmPa Says:

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