Minecraft Legend of Hoodie E35 “Zoke the Fairy Horse!” (Silly Role-play Adventure)

Minecraft Legend of Hoodie E35 Modded Minecraft “silly” role-play adventure! Follow Hoodie the Mage on his journey to become the greatest wizard of Ars Magica, defeat the Dark Mages, and r…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Dec 31st, 2013

20 Responses to “Minecraft Legend of Hoodie E35 “Zoke the Fairy Horse!” (Silly Role-play Adventure)”

  1. OneTrickPony Says:

    Love this series! Love all the horses and stuff. Very cool.

  2. brien davis Says:

    try black fairy horse

  3. David van Dun Says:

    Because purple looks really EVIL!!!!!

  4. Sophia Pagan Says:

    Only bat horses drop hearts of darkness 

  5. wayra giygas Says:

    This is kind of random, but what keyboard and mouse does Paul use?

  6. Aidan Tai Says:

    If he took of the armor and saddle he could save the saddle and diamond
    armor. It was in the book too

  7. DrDolphinrider Chua Says:

    Spider jockey at 8:04

  8. Matt Neuendorf Says:

    get a cat

  9. ZelougePlaysMinecraft Says:

    What you mean power?

  10. fire4thawin Says:

    call Zoke a they it fits better

  11. School_Free Says:


  12. Izaak J. Garner Says:

    Nice you forgot your crystal armor

  13. Patrick Renny Says:

    I’m the only one who left a like

  14. Isaac Campeao Says:


  15. Oscar Webster Says:

    Jolly Good Show! :)

  16. Brian Potter Says:

    Love your videos! I’ve shared them with my Nephew. 

  17. Keniesha Green Says:

    do more of this series

  18. sandro KH Says:

    It looks like a vampire horse than whatever you think

  19. Terry Vaught Says:

    Hi Hoodie

  20. Chaize Moore Says:

    Paul. A nice plot twist would b that your parents return to help you with
    ars magica and stuff and the some dark mages capture them and all while
    going on these adventures and stuff you vow to find your parents and the
    rest of light mages and free them so ars magica can b restored.
    (Multiplayer would kinda be help for dark mages light mages and your
    parents. If you enjoy doing solo then never mind lol. Hope u take this
    under consideration but yah.just a suggestion from a fello fan. Bye)

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