Minecraft Legend of Hoodie E20 “Mage Armor for Dummies” (Silly Role-play Adventure)

Minecraft Legend of Hoodie E20 Modded Minecraft “silly” role-play adventure! Follow Hoodie the Mage on his journey to become the greatest wizard of Ars Magica, defeat the Dark Mages, and r…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Aug 29th, 2013

20 Responses to “Minecraft Legend of Hoodie E20 “Mage Armor for Dummies” (Silly Role-play Adventure)”

  1. ServantOfOdin Says:

    Those blast spells are pretty much handled like arrows, and Endermen port away shortly before the arrow would hit…

  2. FuzzyMonster27 Says:

    pls do more man vs minecraft and paul plays minecraft. they are my faves.

  3. Captainwax02 Says:

    I have been having trouble watching your vids with school and activities

  4. Shrek1112 Says:

    which program do you use for recording

  5. claudiu moldovan Says:

    Do Skyrim… I want to see Helgraf Frosthammer… I started to play Skyrim because of you :D… Thank you

  6. tyranno lee Says:

    paul, i think you should play
     anti virus mod

  7. navataru Says:

    alright, thanks. I will let the owner of the comment know ^-^

    Although he will be a bit disappointed.

  8. Djordje Momcilovic Says:

    Do more hoodie of legend

  9. roterx2 Says:

    he is uploading a Skyrim episode today! :D

  10. claudiu moldovan Says:

    Pls do more Skyrim

  11. PixelzUniverse Says:

    Sup Guys?

    I make minecraft videos too. I’m quite new in this but I’am a fast learner. Since starting about 3 months ago i uploaded 31 videos. In each of my videos i try to be funny, but totally pro too ^^ I play games such as happy wheels and minecraft, but I wouldn’t mind suggestions on what to play too.I have a bit of an accent but I don’t think that will be a problem for you, will it? :P

    I try to be unique more than 90% ”cod gamers” out there
    You don’t need to sub, just check me out :)

  12. Peanotchio10 Says:

    A magic monster generator! Paul you’ve found 100s of them there Called Spawners =P

  13. Sazu LPT Says:

    Hallo Leute,

    mei Name ist SaZu ich mache Minecraft Videos auf meinem Kanal SaZuLPT
    da Abos zu bekommen immer schwerer wird muss ich euch leider auf diesen Weg versuchen zu erreichen.

    Bis jetzt mache sich nur Minecraft ich besitze jedoch eine Ps3 wie eine HD-PVR um auch Let´s Plays auf der Konsole
    zu machen jedoch fehlt mir bis jetzt ein gutes Spiel zum Let´s Playen.

    Ich würde mich sehr freuen wenn der ein oder andere von euch auch mal auf meinem kanal vorbeischaut.

    Euer SaZu :D

  14. Riotturtle750 Says:

    Maybe :)

  15. Djordje Momcilovic Says:

    Legend of hoodie*

  16. Matt Pierce Says:

    You should get the blue stuff Paul then look it u

  17. nikatvildiani Says:

    awesome mod

  18. Prominer LUIS Says:

    Cool I just got a free Minecraft gift code at freeminecraftgiftcodes{dot}net

  19. Ryan Brennan Says:

    You need Darko to breed!!! Yu should have made him a shelter!!!!Paul

  20. sir candycane Says:

    I saw on a nother video the ark mages tower is with in 1000 blocks away

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