#Minecraft Invisible Pressure Plates Tutorial

#Minecraft Invisible Pressure Plates Tutorialâ-ºSubscribe: bit.ly â-ºReddit: UP VOTE PLEASE bit.ly â-ºTwitter:….. bit.ly â-ºFacebook: on.fb.me Seed: 2120682751 ———-[You may also Like]——- How to Green screen in Minecraft www.youtube.com Amazing Piston Sandwave www.youtube.com ———-[Minecraft Mod Reviews]——- www.youtube.com ———- Directors channel: www.youtube.com Minecraftdotnet Minecraft themodspotlight Tutorial how-to Let’s Play lp build showcase mod texture pack addon 1.3 updates snapshot notch jeb How to install

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Filed under MINECRAFTdotNET : Comments (20) : Aug 5th, 2012

20 Responses to “#Minecraft Invisible Pressure Plates Tutorial”

  1. blakerobertss Says:


  2. geek2thextreme Says:

    i don’t want to just be repeating comments but since we can’t like comments
    sethbling did something like it with a maze

  3. evenstephen1 Says:

    Pre 1.3 so no

  4. JavierTJL99 Says:

    Didn’t u show this before ???

  5. theflemishguy2 Says:

    nicely done but in normal survival just stupid to do that

  6. palavakala Says:


  7. mets123RULE Says:

    GREAT VIDEO keep up the fabulous work

  8. FaTaLxReaPeRz Says:


  9. Max Lundholm Says:


  10. shawnkira960 Says:


  11. JavierTJL99 Says:

    Do they use the xp technique? Means they throw a xp potion inside and put a wooden pressure plate. Then when they walk over the pressure plate, the xp will follow them and activate the pressure plate

  12. evenstephen1 Says:

    They have never been used for this purpose before, this is much like when etho saw bud detectors and used them for the purpose they are now known for. Prior to that they were known about and it was clear you could make something that detected a block update, but there was no concrete uses for it. This is much the same as that.

  13. ItsJerryAndHarry Says:

    It’s been done before

  14. lukebug321 Says:

    Sorry but this has already been discovered by a few people like sethbling :(

  15. evenstephen1 Says:

    misas texture pack

  16. VenomZxHDStudios Says:


  17. 95Friberg Says:

    Cubehamseter have shown it before

  18. TalesOfWar Says:

    They didn’t say it hasn’t been done before, they said as far as they KNOW it hasn’t. Either way it doesn’t take away from it’s impressiveness.

  19. MJCasupanan12 Says:

    cOOL Im definetly going to try this out

  20. Mettrone Says:

    Sethbling did this ages ago

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