Minecraft Hardcore #50 – WORLD DOWNLOAD!

Minecraft Hardcore #50 - WORLD DOWNLOAD!Missed an episode of this series? Click the link to view all the episodes of MINECRAFT HARDCORE …

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Filed under BrenyBeast : Comments (20) : Mar 5th, 2015

20 Responses to “Minecraft Hardcore #50 – WORLD DOWNLOAD!”

  1. jamie sacco Says:

    So breny, im in college and its 2am in california right now. Im currently
    doing homework and just thinking to myself “damn.. i really wish breny
    would post a video so i wouldnt have to do this lame homework” and BAM
    there it is, a video :D
    super stoked breny, you rock. too excited about your channel 

  2. Imicoz Says:

    Im not sure if this works anymore, but a piston memory array would take up
    MUCH less space than the current memory system (as redstone like that takes
    a lot of space) but as youre not short on space i guess its fine anyway ^^
    just wanted to tell you breny, maybe for later use, giving u some
    constructive critisism as u liked ^^ great that youll be doing more each
    episode, spices it up a little more, but anyway ur great breny, keep up the
    good work! :D

  3. ChimpleYT Says:

    50 episodes allready! pretty insane stuff 

  4. Andrew Locchetta Says:

    Hey Breny. Your factory, Its Alive. Another great episode of Hardcore, and
    I am glad your taking constructive criticism to make something that is
    already awesome even awesomer. (Excuse my bad Engrish right there.) (Oh,
    and the person who posted the comment about fitting more things into
    episodes was Fraser Gillespie.) I’m really loving this redstone and I think
    I am starting to understand it, well that or I am tricking myself to try
    and feel more redstone intelligent. Anyways I am loving it all Breny keep
    it up. Oh but one last side note, this was to much type without a face,
    so.. :D 

  5. G Wal Says:

    holy shit breny i’m going to be so sad if you die before you get to fully
    finish the factory thing. man. this brewing redstone contraption is so

  6. AkimboJonesx21 Says:

    Breny, can you make a diagram for this because I can’t follow a damn thing
    you’re saying

  7. Maximilian Nyborg Says:

    Though I know how to compact it, I won’t, because I love the solutions you
    made for the memory storage and etc, it just sorta reminds me of some of my
    own works, before I knew simpler ways of doing them. I probably will try to
    download the map an have a look myself, try to make it fully functional, im
    thinking a mass potion storage alongside the main building in silos, or
    something like that. What’s your twitter? ’cause I’d like to send you some
    screenshots of the result in a week or two^^

  8. Loovlyjoobly Says:

    I’m absolutely terrible at redstone, but I can give ideas on the exterior

  9. Cyanideskwid47 Says:


  10. Joshua Richards Says:

    Breny you know your potion factory is way to overcomplicated for what it
    could be , i have the same system that fits in a 20×20 area except its more
    simple and takes 40 minutes to build at the most

  11. Zeqq Says:

    Your subsvare so inactive :o

  12. TheHexGamer/Gamers Says:

    Hey brenny i have watched nearly all of your videos but from the start to
    now you have changed but in a good way not being rude or anything but wheb
    you first started youtube you had a kinda lazy voice and you wernt really
    into games or commentating. But now your really energetic and really into
    alot of your seris sometimes a bit to energetic but i think thats what
    people like but not just that you do amazing seris and 10 out of 10
    commentry but right now your only doing 4 series or so maybe if you could
    do atleast 1 more it would be awesome maybe something like a how to build
    or some random creative i know its not as gun as survival but it might be
    really enjoying for some of your audince. If you do take this into
    concideration. You definitely dont have to build redstone contraptions but
    you can if you want it could just be about building a house or something
    you dont have to do anythind that i just said or let alone even take it
    into consideration but if anyone read or skimed through thoa comment from a
    nobody that no one really gives a flying fuge about but if you did reply to
    my comment and comment if you agree or not. THANKS FOR READING!!!!!!

  13. Morgan Niclasen Says:

    Breny Why dont you do a meet up? because the amount of subs are staying
    were it stands sorry to say it but i think you need to do something more to
    get more subs! This may include a meet up!

  14. MistaCheez Says:

    I didn’t finish the video yet, but you should put the item frames on the
    blocks below the lights, so you can clearly see if the lamps are lit.

  15. zehMacMillian Says:

    Does download not work ? IT’S ALIVE

  16. Ioav Livneh Says:

    Hey Breny. How can I get you to see this world once I do some changes to it
    in creative (also, can i switch to creative?). I want to show you my idea
    for the factory including the bathrooms and the outside design.

  17. Harry Evans Says:

    Looking crazily good!

    Just wondering have u seen etho’s mini brewery system?

  18. Simple Gaming Says:

    Really love your vids Breny been watching you for like around 1 & a half
    year always provide great content that I love watching

  19. Yoshi Tran Says:

    Hey Breny i love your vids but the red stone is really complex i have no
    idea what your saying I’ve been repeating the videos and trying but in cant
    seem to get it right can you make a vid in creative slowly with different
    parts please thank you

    P.S ILY

  20. Morgan Niclasen Says:


    Breny I love you so much you are like the best youtuber eva!

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