Minecraft – Fly Boys #6: Checking Things Out

Minecraft - Fly Boys #6: Checking Things OutModded Minecraft. Today we take a look around the server to see what the other guys have been up to and how the buildings are laying out. Generikb (Aladeen): https://www.youtube.com/user/Generikb …

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Dec 15th, 2014

20 Responses to “Minecraft – Fly Boys #6: Checking Things Out”

  1. xmosphere Says:

    Lyrics to the song:
    Excalibur! Excalibur!
    From the United Kingdom!
    I’m looking for heaven!
    I’m going to California!
    Excalibur! Excalibur!

  2. Captain Snail Says:

    Etho could u do a Crazy Craft sieries plz

  3. SSJHiro11 Says:

    I’m pretty sure the Excalibur song is a a rendition of the Excalibur theme
    from soul eater

  4. Daniel Lamb Says:

    Hey Etho, you should take all the the helicopters from people to “protect”
    them from getting stolen like with the workbenches on Mind Crack

  5. Deadlylyon15 Says:

    It does not even feel like you are apart of the server. I mean if you don’t
    like the server then don’t play on it. If you do like the server then play
    on it.

    Right now it’s very little content. I love your videos etho, not trying to
    bitch, But it’s way more enjoyable to the viewers if things actually get
    done in the episode.

  6. Pedroidon17 Says:

    Hey Etho, have you considered making the direct donate button thingy? I
    would love to support you like the people back in the day before youtube
    started paying people. You could do a project for bigger donations etc.
    like in the old days. Keep up the good work :)

  7. Jay Parikh Says:

    Mindcrack where is it at

  8. PlagueSpreader64 Says:

    Stats taken from full episode battles or skirmishes
    Battle Records
    1.) Kills
    2.) Deaths
    3.) k/d
    4.) Vehicle/turret Takedowns
    5.) Objective Points

    1.) 2 skyz/1 jay
    2.) 6
    3.) .5
    4.) Need to watch perspective
    5.) —
    1.) 4 jay/ 1 ty/ 1 skyz
    2.) 7
    3.) .86
    4.) Need to watch perspective
    5.) —
    1.) —
    2.) —
    3.) —
    4.) —
    5.) —
    1.) —
    2.) —
    3.) —
    4.) —
    5.) —
    1.) 2 ty/ 1 skyz/1 jay
    2.) 12
    3.) .33
    4.) 2
    5.) 1
    1.) 5 pung/ 2 cub/ 2 bdubs
    2.) 4/ 1 creeper/ 1 skyz
    3.) 1.5
    4.) 3
    5.) 1
    1.) 7 cub/ 3 bdubs
    2.) 3
    3.) 3.33
    4.) 2
    5.) 2
    1.) 3 cub/2 bdubs/ 1 pung
    2.) 6/ 1 jay
    3.) .86
    4.) 2
    5.) 2
    1.) —
    2.) —
    3.) —
    4.) —
    5.) —
    ty is the only one with a positive k/d and a 3.33 at that O.O

  9. seall12 Says:

    Another 20 min episode… Seriously?

  10. Maarten29 Says:

    Hello comment readers/commenters!

  11. EthosLab Says:
  12. Emergamer02 Says:

    I got here when it said “No views” and “1 second ago”. First, maybe?

  13. rob shmit Says:

    Loved the video Etho!

  14. MineCrusher Says:

    Hey Etho, just wanted to tell you that I watched almost 10 min ad from
    dünnyagöz hospital for eye technology to support you lol. Dünnyagöz
    Dünnyagöz Dünnyagöz, with over 1000 employees /specialists for eyes and eye
    technology hightech super technology Dünnyagöz… Don’t know how to get
    this Dünnyagöz out of my mind :S

    By the way, I would appreciate to have a way of supporting you with money
    without having to watch these damn ads. I just don’t wanna have an adblock
    until you give me a way to give you money :P Well, Dünnyagöz I’m coming for
    you >:S

  15. AfonsodelCB Says:

    hi guys. I skipped all episode of this series. can someone sum up the
    series description?

  16. xSuperFryx Says:

    Could someone explain to me the rules and how Fly boys works?

  17. Dishonoured Milkcarton Says:

    I’ve seen people in your comments recently and I have to disagree with what
    they are saying. They say don’t play on servers you don’t enjoy and upload
    them more often but in fairness you have real life and all the series you
    have to juggle and for me it’s more about the person and personality rather
    than the game but bad quality and large quantity is not worth it so we
    should just be patient for ethos vids 

  18. MegaAdeny Says:

    You should totally clone yourself and have the clones run around your base
    to confuse enemies.

  19. Dongin Whang Says:

    Ethos Make a decoy of yourself during the battle to run away
    Use the player making hoe to name it Etho and give it your skin

  20. add422123456789 Says:

    Etho I think someone has been flaging your videos. I keep my youtube on
    safty and I cant watch you videos without turning it off!

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