Minecraft – Fly Boys #13: City Battle Final (Part 1)

Minecraft - Fly Boys #13: City Battle Final (Part 1)Modded Minecraft. This is the Season 2 finale battle between Red Team, Black Team, and wild card Generikb. Both teams have 8 diamond blocks scattered throughout their bases (5 visible, 3 hidden)….

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Feb 4th, 2015

20 Responses to “Minecraft – Fly Boys #13: City Battle Final (Part 1)”

  1. Carl S Says:


  2. EthosLab Says:

    Update: I’m having some upload issues atm. Going to try get a LP episode up
    later today if the upload works.

  3. Miner Ungorn Says:

    Ребят, привет. Зайдите и подпишитесь на мой канал пожалуйста. Я регулярно
    снимаю хорошие ролики, и добросовестно подхожу к монтажу. я снимаю контр
    страйк, кит пвп, скай варс, и в основном летс плей. К летсплею я подхожу
    очень добросовестно. я неделями думаю над новыми фермами и постройками, так
    как придумываю я их сам. Например: Ферма золота, мобоферма и т.д. это не
    школовидео, где несётся одна поибень. чаще всего это крутые килы и красивая
    музычка. просто хочется хотябы небольшой аудитоии. надеюсь вам будет не
    сложно подписаться и рассказать друзьям. спасибо.

  4. Chuckie Waitt Says:

    Hey Etho, do you like the outdoors and hiking?

  5. RileyTVS Says:

    10:09 what were you thinking of etho? ;)

  6. leftymu Says:

    Stop playing with the damn katana it’s like a kids toy!

  7. GodLike Says:

    23:40 Is Etho’s name John?

  8. RocketBlaster Says:

    Etho, is Denny from your modded survival supposed to be like Genny? He’s
    weird and has around the same skin as him!

  9. Stupiding Says:

    Will Bdubs land that C4? Find out next episode!

  10. Brad Does Minecraft Says:

    I am loving this series! It’s so enjoyable to watch yet really intense.
    Can’t wait for part 2 :)
    Also, lots of YouTubers are having trouble with processing videos; I hope
    you get it sorted soon Etho, I live for your videos :P

  11. The Sungamer Says:

    I can only get 360p

  12. RamesGamesLC Says:

    How many diamond blocks you going to run by before you actually blow one up

  13. wat1243 Says:

    13:25 I SEE A DIAMOND BLOCK! they just missed it though :(

  14. TheDeadliestChicken Says:

    Hey Etho! I am doing a school project, and I have to raise money for
    something around the world. I decided I want to try to raise money for
    Ebola. But I have a big goal and want youtubers like you to help me reach
    it. The goal is about 500 Thousand USD, which is huge, but I think if we
    work together we can reach this. It would mean a lot and I plan to have
    this be done within 4 months. The money will go through ADRA and will
    really help towards the cure and treatment for Ebola. I know that some of
    you will say no, or others just won’t see this. But if we could get all of
    you to work together, and if we could spread it through the youtube
    community, I believe that we could exceed our goal and change the lives of
    the many in western Africa. I will send you photos and maybe have some
    challenges my school will do at certain points within the goal. Hopefully
    you guys see this and maybe spread the word.

  15. Ice Justice Says:

    Did anyone else see the diamond at 28:55?

  16. Gingy1000 Says:

    RIP Headphone users.
    Died by: Watching this Etho video

  17. Zoltán Csatlós Says:

    28:54 diamond block?! haha etho you should watch for diamond blocks harder

  18. SlenderCam Gaming Says:

    +EthosLab Why didn’t you listen to me, AND MAKE A MASSIVE CUSTOM MPC

  19. Bobas Channel Says:

    Hi etho,

    Why didnt you use any planes in this part?

    Usually in these kind of events your the “fly man” and not the Ground

  20. ShantyPanda Says:

    For anyone seeing comments about the “John” at 23:40, it’s Bdubs’ name.

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